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Mastering 3D Studio MAX R3

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Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


A button, 330–331
A/B button, 412
abs function, 485
absolute Macro Recorder actions, 480
absolute rotation angle values, 105
Abut Selected tool, 458
accent lighting, 370
properties, 504–505, 504, 507–509, 508–509
sub-object selection levels, 124
Acquire option, 270
actions on menus, 576
Active/Inactive Modifier option, 173
Active Slot browse source, 281
active time segments, 200
active viewports, 394
Adaptive Halton supersampling, 335–336, 440
.adaptive property, 509
Adaptive Uniform supersampling, 335
Add Atmosphere or Effect dialog box, 359, 359
Add Atmospheric Effect dialog box, 383, 383
add-bump utility, 562–564
ADD command, 636
Add Image Filter Event button, 447
Add Image Filter Event dialog box, 452, 452
Add Image Input Event button, 447
Add Image Input Event dialog box, 450, 451
Add Image Layer Event dialog box, 459, 459, 466
Add Image Output Event button, 447
Add Image Output Event dialog box, 454–455, 455
Add Key tool, 202, 203, 233–234
Add Point tool, 333, 418
Add Quad button, 135
Add Scene Event button, 447, 448
Add Scene Event dialog box, 448, 449
Add Tab command, 56
Add Visibility Track tool, 202, 203
Add Watermark floater, 603, 603
add_watermark.ms script, 602–603
addatmospheric effect, 529
ADDEFFECT command, 529
addition in MAXScript, 483–484
Additional Help command, 52
additive color models, 343–344, 343
ADDKNOT command, 536
ADDMODIFIER command, 523–524
ADDNEWKEY command, 584
ADDNEWSPLINE command, 536
ADDPROPERTY command, 637
ADDROLLOUT command, 567
ADDSCRIPT command, 617
advancing colors, 363–364
aerial perspectives, 361–363
Affect Alpha parameter, 325
Affect Pivot Only option, 151, 426–427
Affect Region modifier, 88
Affect Specular option, 358
Affect Surfaces settings, 358
alert messages, 564–566, 565
Scanline Renderer rollout for, 403–404
SuperSampling for, 334
Align dialog box, 151
Align Selected tool, 92
Align Selected Left tool, 458
Align Selected Right tool, 458
Align Selection dialog box, 106, 106, 426, 427
interface items, 556
maps, 270
selections, 106, 106, 426, 427
spline cages to origin, 151–152
video clips, 458
alpha channels
and file formats, 400
selections in, 460–461
Alpha Compositor, 461
Alpha image source, 416
ambient color, 348
for Affect Surfaces, 358
for Blinn shader, 287–288
for global lighting, 382
for Raytrace materials, 317
for scene illumination, 527–528
for Strauss shader, 515
Ambient color swatch, 348, 382
Ambient only control, 358
Ambient parameter
for Blinn shader, 287–288
for Raytrace materials, 317
AMBIENTCOLOR command, 527–528
.ambientcolor property, 515
Amount parameter, 331
AND expressions, 491
#angle parameter type, 652
for fog, 385
for rotating, 105
Animate button, 200–201, 201
ANIMATE ON command, 584
ANIMATEVERTEX command, 596
animation, 231
Animate button for, 200–201, 201
blocks of, 245, 245
with Bones, 258–259
cel, 17–18, 206
Character Studio for, 259–262, 261
continuing, 246
controllers for. See animation controllers
dummy objects for, 246–252, 248–249, 252
faucet. See faucet animation
file formats for, 39–40
frames in, 197
of hierarchies, 252–259, 253–255
keyframe, 18, 196–197
of lights, 210
looping, 246
of materials, 210–211
morphing, 216–218, 218
of objects, 201, 201
of parameters, 206–211, 208
of particle systems, 214–216
playback time in, 36, 36
scripts for, 572–576, 573
of space warps, 209, 209
stop motion, 17
of sub-objects, 211–214, 211–213
time concepts in, 195–197
Time Control area for, 198–200, 198–199
timing, 197
Track View for. See Track View
of transforms, 206
of vertices, 211–214, 212–213, 596–598, 598
animation controllers, 63, 218–220, 581
assigning, 582
changing, 222–224, 222
for collapse position floaters, 587–589, 587
default, 220–221, 221
expression controllers, 590–591, 590, 592
nesting, 224–227, 225–226
operation of, 585–587
script controllers, 592–595, 593, 596
Track View properties for, 582–587, 583
for vertices, 596–598, 598
animationrange technique, 531
Anisotropic shader, 290, 290
Scanline Renderer rollout for, 403–404
SuperSampling for, 334
Anti-Aliasing option, 404
anticipation in animation, 238
APPEND command, 493
APPENDGIZMO command, 529
Apply Atmosphere parameter, 325
Apply Mapping option, 269
Apply to Environment Map option, 405
materials, 524–526, 525
parameter curve out-of-range options, 244–246, 244–245
Arc Rotate tool, 65, 65
Arc Rotate Selected tool, 65
Arc Selected Sub-Object tool, 65
Area anti-aliasing filter, 404
Area Selection option, 156
arms, box modeling for, 173–178, 175–178
array_exercise.ms script, 512–513
in MAXScript, 492–493
rotating, 511–513, 511
as method, 486
asin function, 485
Asset Manager, 361
Assign Controller rollout, 423
Assign Controller tool, 202, 202, 222
Assign Material to Selection button, 113, 165, 210, 273–274, 278
Assign Position Controller dialog box, 222, 222
Assign Vertex Color utility, 371
asterisks (*)
for meshes, 541
for wildcards, 506
asteroid explosion script, 530–531
At Background Depth parameter, 325
At Object Depth parameter, 325
AT TIME command, 584
Atmosphere Shadows option, 358
combustion, 388–389, 388
creating, 382–383
effects for, 359–360, 648
fog, 383–385, 384
gizmos for, 528–529, 528
rendering option for, 398
shadows for, 358
volume fog, 385–386, 386
volume light, 386–388, 387
Atmospheres & Effects rollout, 359
Atmospheric Apparatus option, 385
Atmospheric plug-ins, 648
Atmospherics option, 398
ATTACH command, 540
Attach tool, 91, 151
attaching patch surfaces, 135–136, 135–136
Attachment controller, 227
attenuating light, 345, 352–354, 353, 387–388
Attenuation Color setting, 387
Atten(uation) Mult(iple) setting, 387
Attenuation Start % setting, 388
Audio controller, 227
Audio track icon, 204
Audio Video Interleave (.avi) format, 40, 399, 406
auto_optimizer.ms script, 594–595
Auto Reflect/Refract and Mirrors option, 403
Auto Reflect/Refract Maps setting, 405–406
Auto Secondary lens effect, 415
Autodesk Flic format, 399
Automatic network rendering option, 409
Automatic Update feature, 625
.avi (Audio Video Interleave) format, 40, 399, 406
axes, 6
axis constraints, 143
axonometric view, 11

back lights, 367, 368–369
Back Material parameter, 328
Background button, 278
environment for, 378–381
in large format printing, 705
for scenes, 527
shadows on, 325–326, 325–326
Backlight button, 278
backslashes (\)
for line continuations, 519
in strings, 487
barycentric controllers, 216
Base Material parameter, 331
base object for box modeling, 171–173, 171–172
Base to Pivot option, 253
.baseobject property, 547
batch file conversions, 621–624, 622–623
Bend modifier, 207
Bevel tool, 91
Bezier animation controller, 220–221
Bezier option, 127
Bezier Corner option, 127
Bezier Smooth command, 137
Bezier splines, 127–129, 128–129
Bezier surfaces, 78
bias for shadows, 356
Bind to Space Warp tool, 209, 216, 425, 438
Displace space warps, 425–426
vertices, 149
BINDSPACEWARP command, 524
Biped system, 259–261, 261
BITMAP command, 608
Bitmap File dialog box, 516, 516
Bitmap Fit option, 270
Bitmap map type, 300
.bitmap property, 608
bitmaps, 599–600
file format for, 39, 399
I/O for, 600–601, 601
in large format printing, 704–705
paths for, 636
pixel manipulation in, 601–604, 603
rendered channel information in, 604–606
saving, 516, 516
for shadows, 356
for textures, 515
in user interface, 606–609, 607
for UVW maps, 270
Blackman anti-aliasing filter, 404
Blend anti-aliasing filter, 404
Blend Curve tool, 162, 163
Blend material, 298–300, 298
Blend parameter, 328
Blend Surface tool, 162, 163
Shellac material for, 332
sub-objects for, 161
Blinn shader, 286–290, 286–287
Block controller, 227
blocks, animation, 245, 245
Blue sphere icon, 204
blur effects, 405, 414
.bmp (bitmap) format. See bitmaps
Bones, animation with, 258–259
Boolean comparisons, 491
Boolean object, 93
for meshes, 540–541, 540
modifications with, 96–97
#boolean parameter type, 652
BOOLOBJ object, 540
Bottom Material parameter, 328
Bounce Coefficient property, 324
bounce light, 370
bounding boxes, 79
box modeling, 170
arms, 173–178, 175–178
base object for, 171–173, 171–172
hands, 178–180, 179–180
legs and feet, 183–185, 184–185
MeshSmooth modifier for, 173, 174
necks and heads, 180–183, 181–183
whole object, 185–189, 187–188
Box option, 276
animating, 241, 241–242
sharks from, 83–84, 83–84
boxgizmo gizmo, 528
.boxmode property, 508
.boxsize property, 659
brass light fixture, 85, 86
Break tool, 92
brick_exercise.ms script, 524–526, 525
Bricks map type, 300
Brightness/Contrast render effect, 414
Browse for Folder dialog box, 623, 623
bubbles, 436
built-in selections, 506–507
Bump channels, 305
bump_exercise script, 521
Bump Map Effect control, 323
bump maps
enlarging, 705
noise, 519–521
Bump parameter, 317
creating, 552–554
customizing, 59–61, 59–60
radio, 562–564, 562
buttontext property, 615
By Object option, 283

C-Ext(rude) primitive, 85
calculate_time_working function, 618–619
calculations, progress bars for, 633–635
callbacks, 617–618
Camera Map modifier, 337–338
Camera tools, 66–67, 67
cameras, 67
lighting for, 370
mapping, 336–338
viewports for, 66–67, 67, 630
cameras selection, 506
Cap Holes modifier, 88
Capsule primitive, 85
case sensitivity of object names, 505
CASE statements, 564
Cast Shadows On/Off setting, 349
CATCH command, 570
category property, 615
Catmull Rom anti-aliasing filter, 404
cel animation, 17–18, 206
cel file format, 399
Cellular map type, 304, 310
Center object, 523
Center to Object option, 151
CG lights, 344
CG shading, 268–269
Chamfer/Bevel menu
Bevel Polygon command, 177, 179
Chamfer Edge command, 175, 180
Chamfer Box primitive, 85
Chamfer tool, 91
ChamferCyl(inder) primitive, 85
change handlers
for callbacks, 617–618
timers, 618–619
WHEN, 619–620
Change Hue effect, 674–677
Character Studio, 259
Biped system in, 259–261, 261
layered motion in, 262
Physique modifier in, 262
Characteristics section for combustion, 389
check boxes, 557–558, 557
Checker map type, 300, 307, 309, 309
CHECKFORSAVE command, 621
cin file format, 40, 399
Clamp option, 405
classes, identifying objects with, 507
CLASSOF command, 507
Clear Buffer tool, 391, 392
Clear Material Library tool, 282
Clipboard, Color, 349–350
clock structure, 495–496
Clone floater, 186
Clone Options dialog box, 463, 463
Clone Virtual Frame Buffer tool, 391, 392
CLOSE command, 535
closed rollouts, 62
CLOSEROLLOUTFLOATER command, 568, 571, 641
closing files, 497
cloud effects, 388
CMYK color system, 342
codecs, 40, 402
coincident vertices, cycling through, 156
Collapse All option, 151–152
collapse position floaters, 587–589, 587
collapse_position.ms script, 588–589
collapsed objects, animating vertices of, 211–212, 212
COLLAPSEFACE command, 543
COLLAPSESTACK command, 523, 539
color, 341–342
additive models, 343–344, 343
advancing and receding, 363–364
for Blinn shader, 287–288
for combustion, 388
for composite materials, 330–331
for compound objects, 101
for contrast and harmony, 364
for fog, 385–386
for light, 350, 350
for Raytrace materials, 319
saving to Clipboard, 349–350
scripts for, 514
for shadows, 358
simulating, 360–363, 361
subtractive model, 342
for vertices, 370–371, 546–548
Color Balance render effect, 414
Color by Elevation setting, 101
Color Clipboard, 349–350
Color Density parameter, 319
color maps, 385
#color parameter type, 652
.color property, 514
color range, limiting, 405
Color Range Limiting option, 405
Color RGB controller, 227
Color Selector dialog box, 287–288, 287, 343, 343, 559
Color setting, 386
color shift principle, 364
#colorchannel parameter type, 652
colorpicker, 559, 559
combustion, 388–389, 388
Command Panel, 61–62, 61
Create tab, 62
Cameras command, 66
Geometry command, 64, 68
Display tab, 63
Modify tab, 12, 63
Motion tab, 63
scripts for, 631–632
Utility tab, 64
Command Panel option, 58–59
adding to toolbars, 60–61, 60
external, 636
menu bar, 43–47, 43
transforming text into, 488
Common Parameters rollout, 395, 396
for illumination, 527–528
Options section, 398
for output size, 397–398
Render Output section, 398–401, 399
for time output, 396–397
for video compression, 401–402
rendering, side-by-side, 412
variable, 489–492, 492
COMPLETEREDRAW command, 630–631
composite materials, 329–332, 330
exercise for, 461–467, 462, 464, 466
video clips, 459–461
compositors, 306
compound materials, 327
composite, 329–332, 330
double sided, 327–328, 327
Shellac, 332–333, 332
top/bottom, 328–329, 329
compound objects, 93–94
Boolean, 96–97
Connect, 99–100
Loft, 97–99, 98–99
merging, 100
as problem solvers, 94–95, 94–95
ShapeMerge, 100
Terrain, 100–102, 101–102
as timesavers, 95–96, 96
Compounds Tab, 55
compression, 401–402, 450, 454
Compression Settings dialog box, 401, 401
concatenating strings, 484
in MAXScript, 489–492, 492
for script controllers, 593–595
Configure Paths command, 47
Conform object, 93, 102
Connect object, 93–95, 94–95, 99–100
Connect to Support and Information command, 52
Constant out-of-range type, 244, 244
Constant Velocity option, 423
continuing animation, 246
for Affect Surfaces, 358
for depth, 364
Contrast control, 358
Contrast image filter, 457
control vertices (CVs), 130–131, 130–131, 161
.controller property, 582
Controller track icon, 204
controllers, animation. See animation controllers
convert_3d.mcr script, 622–623
Convert to Editable Patch command, 132
Convert to Editable Spline command, 128, 140
Convert to Toolbar command, 56–57
degrees and radians, 485
files, batch, 621–624, 622–623
loft objects to patches, 138–139, 138
mesh objects to NURBS, 164
objects to editable meshes, 539
shapes to splines, 532
CONVERTTOMESH command, 539
Cook Variable anti-aliasing filter, 404
cool colors, 370
cool materials, 273–274
grid, 34, 34
for images, 451
local, 32, 32
mapping, 113–117, 114, 116–117, 269–271
parent, 34, 35
pick, 34, 35
screen, 33, 33
view, 33, 33
world, 31, 32
Coordinates option, 451
COORDSYS command, 632
COPY command
for bitmaps, 600
for objects, 509
Copy Render Params button, 395
Copy Tangents, 241
copy_xref_materials.ms script, 625–626
bitmaps, 600
keys, 237–238
modifier stack, 25
objects, 509
splines, 536–539, 537
Corner option, 127
COS (curves on surface), 167, 168
COUNT command, 636
cpv_exercise.ms script, 546–548
Create Clip tool, 261, 261
Create Footsteps option, 260
Create Key dialog box, 232
Create Keys for Inactive Footsteps option, 260
Create Line button, 154–155
Create Multiple Footsteps option, 260
Create tab, 62
Cameras command, 448
Geometry section, 214
Compound Objects command, 95, 100–101, 137
Particle Systems command, 428
Standard Primitives command, 171
Helpers section
Atmospheric Apparatus command, 385
Dummy command, 247, 251
Lights command, 348
Shapes section, 104
Line command, 224
NURBS Curves command, 130
Rectangle command, 145
Space Warps command, 215, 438
Systems command, 258–259
Create tool, 91
CREATEFILE command, 497
creation parameters, 79
Creation toolbox, 162, 163
cropping text, 488
cross-fading between events, 458–459, 459
CrossSection modifier, 88
detaching splines to, 145–149, 146–148
operation of, 139–140, 140–141
cubes, 648–651, 648, 651
Cubic anti-aliasing filter, 404
CUI files, 636
Current Time field, 198, 199
Current time tool, 235, 235
panning, 53
in viewports, 631
CURVELENGTH command, 533
function, 37, 38, 240–244, 241–244
for NURBS surfaces, 165–166, 166
curves on surface (COS), 167, 168
Custom File Type option, 394
Custom Icon Maker script, 615
Custom option, 397
Custom Size option, 451
custom tangents, 240, 240, 243–244, 243
Customize command, 56
Customize menu, 47
Configure Paths command, 408
Customize UI command, 59
Load Custom UI command, 48
Preferences submenu
Enable Gamma Correction command, 412
Inverse Kinematics command, 258
Rendering command, 389
Rendering for Production and Draft settings, 395
Revert to Startup UI Layout command, 48, 56, 59
Customize User Interface dialog box, 59, 59
buttons and toolbars, 59–61, 59–60
interface, 48, 48–49
Shelf Area, 56–61, 56–60
Cut tool, 91
CV Curve tool, 162, 163
CV Curve On Surface tool, 162, 163
CV Surface tool, 162, 163
CVs (control vertices), 130–131, 130–131, 161
cycgizmo gizmo, 528
Cycle button, 156
Cycle out-of-range type, 244, 244
Cylinder option, 276

data entry, 488–489
dataflow, 79–81
master objects in, 23–24
modifiers in, 24–26, 24–26
object properties in, 28, 29–30
space warps in, 28, 28
transforms in, 26–27, 27
Decay setting, 354
default animation controllers, 220–221, 221
default hotkeys, 10
default lighting, 344–345
Define Script button, 261
free-form, 88–89, 214, 597–598, 598
scale, 137–138, 137
deformation animation, 214
degrees, 485
degtorad function, 485
DELEGATE command, 650
DELETE command, 636
Delete Key tool, 202, 203
Delete Point tool, 333
Delete Tab command, 56
DELETEEFFECT command, 530
DELETEFACE command, 543
DELETEGIZMO command, 529
DELETEKEY command, 585
DELETEKEYS command, 585
DeleteMesh modifier, 88, 107–109
DELETETIME command, 586
with Boolean objects, 97
callbacks, 618
effects, 359–360
paths, 636
persistent variables, 617
Density setting, 386
Dent map type, 304
light and color simulation for, 360–363, 361
perspective views for, 10–11
recursion, 322
Depth of Field render effect, 415
DESELECT command, 506
DESELECTKEY command, 585
DESELECTKEYS command, 585
Detach tool, 91
detaching splines to CrossSection, 145–149, 146–148
detail reductions, 702
different from comparisons, 490
Diffuse channel, 362
Diffuse Color channel, 301
Diffuse Color setting, 302
Diffuse control for Affect Surfaces, 358
Diffuse Lev setting, 290
Diffuse Level setting, 293
Diffuse parameter
for Anisotropic shader, 290
for Blinn shader, 287–288
for map types, 302
for Oren-Nayar-Blinn shader, 293
for Raytrace materials, 317
.diffusecolor property, 514
dimmer switches, 351
Discard Old Material option, 295
Discreet effect*, 400
Disney animation, 196
Disp Approx modifier, 89–90, 321
Displace gizmo, 425–426
Displace space warp, 425–426
Displacement option, 398
Display Alpha Channel tool, 326, 391, 392
Display Background option, 380
DISPLAY command, 600
Display Control Mesh option, 169, 173
Display Floater command, 45
Display Subtree option, 254
Display tab, 63
Display Until option, 433
displaying materials, 517
dissolves, 458
distance, attenuating light at, 352–354, 353
divide_exercise.ms script, 536–539, 537
divide_params script, 569–570
Divide tool, 92
divide_utility script, 571
patches, 133–134
splines into segments, 536–539, 537, 569–570
division in MAXScript, 483–484
Do Not Resize option, 451
docked toolbars, 57
dollar signs ($) for object access, 505–506
Dolly tool, 67, 67
Dolly Light tool, 69, 69
Dolly Target tool, 67, 69
DOSCOMMAND command, 636
Double Buffer option, 412
double sided materials, 327–328, 327
Draft setting
Quick Render command for, 55
for rendering, 395
Drag/Copy option, 276–277
Drag/Rotate option, 276
dummy objects, 246–247
handles for, 247–249, 248–249
for second pivot points, 250–252, 252
separating motion components in, 250
dummybox plug-in, 660–661
Duration setting, 405
Duration Subdivision setting, 405
Dynamics Utility, 323–324, 324

e function, 485
Earth symbol icon, 204
ease in and ease out, 238, 239
Edge Chamfer tool, 175
Edge Sub-Object button, 135
Edged Faces command, 134
edges, 12–14, 14, 544
Edges Only option, 14
Edges tool, 92
Edit Base Object command, 183
Edit Button Appearance option, 480
Edit Color swatch, 370
Edit Filter Event dialog box, 453
Edit Keys mode, 203
Edit Macro Button dialog box, 480, 480
Edit Macro Script button, 478
Edit menu, 44–45
Clone command, 104, 146
Delete command, 113
Fetch command, 66, 108–109, 243
Select All command, 113
Edit Mesh command, 544
Edit Mesh modifier, 88–90
Edit Modifier Stack dialog box, 25–26, 25–26, 110–114, 111–112, 114
Edit Named Selection command, 45
Edit Patch command, 544–545
Edit Range Bar button, 447
Edit Range Bar mode, 447
Edit Ranges mode, 203
Edit Spline commands, 536, 544–545
Edit Stack button, 141, 152, 186
Edit Time mode, 203
editable meshes, 90
animating, 596–597
converting objects to, 539
shortcut keys for, 697–698
tools for, 91–93, 92
keys, 234–237, 235–236
meshes, 544–545
splines, 536–539, 537
Bezier, 127–129, 128–129
segment data, 534–535
vertex data, 533–534, 534
sub-objects, 26, 91–93, 92
video clips, 457–459, 459
applying, 416
choosing, 413–416, 414
creating, 673–678, 677
deleting, 359–360
for environment, 528–529, 528
in faucet animation, 426–427, 427
flames, 388–389
Lens, 359, 414–416
in rendering, 398, 529–531
scripts for, 529–531
Effects ID image source, 416
Effects option, 398
elements, 15–16, 16
ELSE keyword, 490–491
Enable Color Map option, 333
Enable Gamma Correction option, 412
Enable Sampler option, 335–336, 440
enabled interface items, 556
Enabled option, 449
Encapsulated PostScript file format, 39, 399
End % setting, 388
Enemy_Base plug-in, 681–684, 684
entering data, 488–489
Environment Color Map, 385
Environment dialog box, 364, 378–379, 379, 381
Environment Map button, 381
Environment Opacity Map, 385
Environment parameter, 317
atmospheres for, 382–389, 384, 386–388
for backgrounds, 378–381
creating, 378, 379
effects and atmospheric gizmos for, 528–529, 528
lighting for, 381–382
mapping for, 381
variables for, 527–528, 527
EOF condition, 498
.eps (Encapsulated PostScript) format, 39, 399
equal signs (=)
for comparisons, 490
for variables, 482
of objects, 23
of properties, 81
cross-fading between, 458–459, 459
image filter, 452–454, 452
image input, 450–452, 451
image output, 454–455, 455
scene, 448–450, 459
Every Nth Frame option, 396
exclamation points (!) for comparisons, 490
Exclude/Include dialog box, 351, 352
excluding objects from light, 351, 352
Execute button, 447
EXECUTE command, 488
Execute Video Post dialog box, 456, 456
Explode command, 45
explosion_exercise script, 530–531
Explosion section for combustion, 389
fireballs, 388–389
scripts for, 530–531
exponential constant, 485
Exponential setting, 384, 386
Export command, 44
Export Sample Utility, 684
Exporter Options dialog window, 621
EXPORTFILE command, 621
exporting files, 621
expression controllers, 227, 590–591, 590, 592
extended plug-in scripts, 647–650, 648
extended primitives, 84–86, 85–86
helpers, 659–661, 659
materials, 665–668, 665
modifiers, 661–665, 663–664
shapes, 655–659, 657
extends parameter, 649
external commands, 636
Extra Lighting parameter, 319
Extrude menu, 175, 179–180
Extrude tool, 91
Extrude Surface tool, 162, 163
EXTRUDEFACE command, 543

Face Extrude modifier, 88–89
Face Map parameter, 285
faces, 12–14, 15
in faucet animation, 420–421
for meshes, 542–543
Faceted parameter, 285–286
facets, 268
Facing Material parameter, 328
Fade For option, 430–431
Fade image filter, 457
fades to black, 458
Falloff map type, 304
falloff settings
for fog, 385
for light, 354
for transparency, 436
Falloff tool, 69, 69
Far Attenuation setting, 354
Fast Adaptive Antialiaser option, 463
Fast In/Out tangents, 240, 240, 242–243
faucet animation, 416–417
animation length in, 428
displace binding for, 425–426
effect range in, 426–427, 427
faces in, 420–421
loft object for
cross-section for, 418–419, 419
for faucet, 419–420, 420
path for, 417–418, 417
materials in, 434–436, 435
merging in, 433–434, 434
MetaParticles for, 431–433, 432–433
rendering, 440–441, 441
space warps for, 422–425, 423–424, 438–439, 439
spout for, 421–422, 422
Super Spray parameters for, 429–431, 430–431
synchronization in, 436–438, 437
water for, 428–429, 428–429
feet, box modeling for, 183–185, 184–185
Fetch command, 45, 66, 108–109, 243
FETCHMAXFILE command, 621
FFD (free-form deformation) modifier, 88–89
FFDs (Free Form Deformations), 214
with animation, 597–598, 598
shortcut keys for, 696
Field of View (FOV) tool, 67, 67
fields vs. frames, 36, 36
figure files in Biped system, 261
Figure mode in Biped system, 260
File menu, 44
Evaluate command, 552
Evaluate All command, 480
Reset command, 68, 477
Run Script command, 481
Summary Info command, 107, 110, 411
View File command, 400
File Number Base option, 396–397
File Output render effect, 414
.filename property, 515, 600, 608
#filepostopen event, 617
#filepreopen event, 617
FILEPROPERTIES object, 637–638
files and file management
converting, 621–624, 622–623
importing and exporting, 621
in MAXScript, 496–497, 635–641, 637–638
opening and saving, 620–621
fill lights, 367, 368–369
film formats, 40, 197
Film Grain render effect, 414
Filter Maps option, 404
Filter Shadows, 387
for images, 452–454, 452, 456–457
for maps, 404
for menus, 576
pickbutton, 570
in rendering, 394
for transparency, 436
for volume lights, 387
Filters tool, 202, 202
finding text, 488
FINDPROPERTY command, 638
FINDSTRING command, 488
fireballs, 388–389
First Frame tool, 198, 199
Fit option, 270
five-sided patches, 149
Flame Detail option, 389
flame effects, 388–389
Flat Mirror maps, 306, 308–309, 309
.flc (Autodesk Flic) format, 40, 399
.fli format, 399, 406
Flip Normals option, 141, 145–146
Flip Trim option, 167
flipbooks, 17
flipper in Narwhale model, 157–163, 157–159
#float parameter type, 652
floater_divideshape.ms script, 569–570
collapse position, 587–589, 587
rollouts in, 568–572, 568
floating toolbars, 57, 57
floats in math operations, 484
Fluorescence parameter, 319–320
Fluorescence Bias parameter, 319
flyouts, 53
fog, 383–384
color and mapping, 385–386
layered, 384–385
volume, 385–386, 386
Fog Background setting, 385–386
Fog Color swatch, 385
Fog Density parameter, 319
Fog Parameters rollout, 384, 384
follow objects, 257–258
Footstep Operations dialog box, 260
Footsteps mode in Biped system, 260
FOR command, 493
Force 2-Sided option, 327, 398
Force Wireframe option, 403
FORMAT command, 486, 498
forms for NURBS, 164–165, 165
formulas, 590
forward kinematics, 255–256
Forward tool, 198, 199
4” X 5” or 8” X 10” (slide) option, 398
FOV (Field of View) tool, 67, 67
frame rates, 197
in animation, 197
vs. fields, 36, 36
safe, 631
synchronizing, 412
Free Direct lights, 347
Free Form Deformations (FFDs), 214
with animation, 597–598, 598
shortcut keys for, 696
Free Spot lights, 345–346
front views, 7
function curves, 37, 38
shaping, 240–244, 241–244
in Track View, 203, 204
Function Curves mode, 203, 204
in MAXScript, 494–495
persistent, 616–617
in scripts, 558
fusing vertices, 145

G-Buffer (Geometry Buffer), 598
Gamesmodeling interface, 48
.gbufferchannel property, 508
gc (garbage collector), 601
GENCLASSID command, 649
General properties for splines, 509, 509
Generate Mapping Coordinates option, 270
Generic track icon, 204
Gengon primitive, 85
creating, 678–684, 678
modifiers for, 89–91
for photos, 337
geometry pipeline, 23, 23
Geometry plug-in, 648
geometry selection, 506
GET command, 636
Get Material button, 278–279, 434
Get Shape option, 137, 419
GETBKLINE command, 489
GETBKVALUE command, 489
GETCAMERA command, 630
GETCHANNEL command, 604
GETDIR command, 635
GETDIRECTORIES command, 623–624
GETEDGEVIS command, 544
GETEFFECT command, 530
GETFACE command, 542, 546
GETFACEMATID command, 543
GETFACENORMAL command, 542
GETFILES command, 623
GETGIZMO command, 529
GETINISETTING command, 499
GETKNOTPOINT command, 534
GETKNOTTYPE command, 533
GETNORMAL command, 542
GETNUMTVERTS command, 542
GETNUMVERTS command, 542
GETPIXELS command, 601, 604
GETSAVEPATH command, 623
GETTVERT command, 542
GETTYPE command, 629
GETUICOLOR command, 636
GETVERT command, 542
GETVERTCOLOR command, 542
GETXREFFILE command, 624
atmospheric, 528–529, 528
Bend, 523
Display, 425–426
Transform, 426
glares, removing, 358
glass, Filter color for, 436
glass utility, 557–558, 560–562
Global Exclude control, 323
global lighting, 381–382
Global Lighting Tint option, 364
global object properties, 507–509, 508–509
global options for modifiers, 523
Global Parameters control, 323
Global Parameters dialog box, 336
Global Settings rollout, 348
global supersampling, 404
global variables
declaring, 613–614
for environment, 527–528, 527
Glossiness parameter
for Blinn shader, 287–288
for Metal shader, 291
for Raytrace materials, 317
Glow lens effect, 415
Go to End of the Animation button, 70
Go to Next Frame button, 70
Go to Parent button, 278, 296–297, 362
Go to Previous Frame button, 70
Go to Sibling button, 278, 296–297
Go to Start button, 70
gobos, 359, 370
Gouraud shading, 269
Gradient Map option, 302, 303
Gradient map type, 300
Gradient Parameters rollout, 362
Gradient Ramp map type, 301
Gray Plastic material, 281, 281
grayed out commands, 22, 22
greater than signs (>) for comparisons, 490
Green cone icon, 204
Green triangle icon, 204
Grid and Snap Settings command, 47
Grid and Snap Settings dialog box, 103
grid coordinates, 34, 34
GRIDDIST command, 650
GRIDPOINT command, 647
Group command, 45
Group menu, 45
Grow For option, 430–431

H-splines, 130
Hammersley supersampling, 335
Hand_2 plug-in, 669–671
hand_controller.ms script, 573–576
for dummy objects, 247–249, 248–249
tangent, 129
hands, box modeling for, 178–180, 179–180
harmony, 364
HDTV option, 398
box modeling for, 180–183, 181–183
from spheres, 82–83, 82
Hedra primitive, 85
Helix_2 plug-in, 657–659, 657
Help menu, 52
Helper plug-in, 648
helpers, extending, 659–661, 659
Helpers Tab, 55
hemisphere plug-in, 654–655, 654
Hide command, 63
Hide Selected tool, 92, 151–152
selected objects, 92, 151–152
vertices for surface tools, 144
hierarchical splines, 130
animating, 252–259, 253–255
linking up, 253–255, 253–255
scripts for, 526
Track View, 204
Hierarchy tab, 63, 151, 256
Hold command, 45
HOLDMAXFILE command, 621
Horizon Noise setting, 385
hot materials, 273–274
hotspot adjustments, 354
Hotspot tool, 69, 69
houses, building, 103–106, 103–106
mapping roof for, 118–120, 118–119
material IDs and mapping coordinates for, 113–117, 114, 116–117
materials for, 113
modifier stack names for, 110–112, 111–112
polygon reduction for, 107–110, 108, 110
HSV (hue, saturation, and value) color model, 288, 343
Hue_control plug-in, 674–677
HWB (hue, whiteness, and blackness) model, 344

for bitmaps, 600–601, 601
for text files, 496–499
icon property, 615
creating, 480
for macro scripts, 615, 615
IF conditions, 489–492, 492
If Root Only option, 283
.ifl (Image File List) files, 465
IK (inverse kinematics), 256
Bones for, 258–259
follow objects for, 257–258
limits for, 257
second pivot points for, 250
terminators for, 256
IK controller, 227
IK toggle switch, 256
illumination parameters, 527–528
Image Alpha filter, 457
image file format, 399
Image File List Control dialog box, 465, 465
Image Input Options dialog box, 451
image maps, 300
image motion blur, 405
Image Size option, 393
images, 39
filters for, 452–454, 452, 456–457
input events for, 450–452, 451
output events for, 454–455, 455
rendering, 599
.images property, 606
Import command, 44
Import Options dialog window, 621
IMPORTFILE command, 621
importing files, 621
Inactive Modifier button, 233
independent surfaces, 166
Index of Refraction parameter, 317
indexes for arrays, 492–493
INI files, 499
initiate_manage_properties function, 640–641
Insert Corner Point button, 137, 422
INSTANCE command, 509
#integer parameter type, 652
integers in math operations, 484
intensity of light, 351
interactive scenes, 572–576, 573
interface, MAX, 631–635
Command Panel, 61–64, 61
customizing, 48, 48–49
Help menu, 52
Material Editor, 70, 71
MAXScript menu, 51
menu bar commands, 43–47, 43
for scripts. See user interface (UI)
Shelf Area, 52–53
customizing, 56–61, 56–60
Main Toolbar, 53–55
Tab commands on, 55
shortcut keys, 49–51, 50–51
Time Control area, 69–70, 69–70
Track View, 70, 71
viewports, 64–69, 65–68
interior vertices for patches, 136
interlacing, 36, 36
for Connect object, 100
between keyframes, 238–240, 239–240
intersection of meshes, 541
Inverse decay setting, 354
inverse kinematics (IK), 256
Bones for, 258–259
follow objects for, 257–258
limits for, 257
second pivot points for, 250
terminators for, 256
Inverse Square decay setting, 354
IOR (index of refraction), 316–317
.isanimated property, 583
ISCLOSED command, 535
.ishidden property, 508
Isoparametric lines, 163

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file format, 39, 399
Jump to Top of Stack command, 186

Keep Old Material as Sub-Material option, 362
Key Info dialog box, 235–238, 235
key lights, 365–367, 366, 368–369
Key Mode toggle tool, 198, 199
Key number tool, 235, 235
keyboard. See shortcut keys
Keyboard Entry rollout, 418
keyframe animation, 18, 196–197
keyframes, 36
interpolating between, 238–240, 239–240
vs. keys, 200
managing, 584
keys, 36–37, 37
creating, 232–234, 233
editing, 234–237, 235–236
functions for, 584–585
vs. keyframes, 200
moving and copying, 237–238
reducing, 587
.keys property, 584
kicker lights, 367
forward, 255–256
inverse, 256–259
Kodak Cineon file format, 40, 399

L-Ext(rude) primitive, 85
labels, 564, 564
large format printing
background images in, 705
bitmapped material details in, 704–705
detail reductions for, 702
output in, 701–702
reflections in, 703
rendering time reductions for, 702
resolution in, 705–706
shadows in, 703
vs. small, 702
Last Frame tool, 198, 199
Lathe Surface tool, 162, 163
Lattice modifier, 91
Lavender cylinder icon, 204
layered fog, 384–385
layered motion, 262
layout of viewports, 627–629, 628
Learning 3D Studio MAX command, 52
left views, 8
legs, box modeling for, 183–185, 184–185
LENGTHINTERP command, 533, 538
Lens Effect dialog box, 457
Lens Effect Glow dialog box, 453
Lens Effects, 359, 414–416
Lens Effects Flare image filter, 457
Lens Effects Focus image filter, 457
Lens Effects Glow image filter, 457
Lens Effects Highlight image filter, 457
less than signs (<) for comparisons, 490
Level setting for global lighting, 382
levels, 16
libraries, material, 517–518, 518
licking flames effects, 388–389
light and lighting
accent, 370
adjusting, 347–348, 349
animating, 210
attenuating, 345, 352–354, 353, 387–388
for cameras, 370
coloring, 350, 350
default, 344–345
excluding objects from, 351, 352
hotspot and falloff adjustments, 354
intensity of, 351
mood, 370
objects for, 345–347, 346
painting, 365
projecting maps from, 359
shadows, 355–358
simulating, 360–363, 361
surfaces, 358
three-point setup for, 365–367, 366, 368–369
vertex colors for, 370–371
viewports for, 347–348
volume, 359, 386–388, 387
zone, 369
Light Color swatch, 349, 350
light fixture, 85, 86
Light Lister, 348, 349
Light On/Off setting, 349
Light plug-in, 648
Light tools, 68–69, 68
LIGHTINTCOLOR command, 527–528
LIGHTLEVEL command, 527–528
Lights & Cameras Tab, 55
lights selection, 506
line continuations in scripts, 519
Linear out-of-range type, 244, 244
linear position controllers, 222, 222
Linear tangents, 240–241, 240–242
Link Control controller, 227
Linked XForm modifiers, 247–248, 248–249
linking up hierarchies, 253–255, 253–255
List controllers, nesting Path controllers under, 225–226
Listener, 474, 475
Load File button, 261
Load Multiple Targets button, 217
LOADCONFIG command, 636
macro scripts, 616
partial, 620–621
Targa sequences, 465–466
LOADMAXFILE command, 620
local coordinates, 32, 32
Local Coordinates parameter, 328
Local Exclude control, 323
local variables, 613–614
Lock Range Bar to Scene Range option, 448
Lock to Video Post Range option, 448
Loft objects and lofting, 93, 97
in faucet animation
cross-section for, 418–419, 419
for faucet, 419–420, 420
path for, 417–418, 417
mapping coordinates for, 269
patches from, 137–139, 137–138
paths for, 98–99, 98–99
scale deformation for, 137–138, 137
shapes for, 97–98, 98
logical expressions, 491
Look At controller, 223–224
Loop at the End option, 452
Loop out-of-range type, 244, 244
looping animation, 246
low-polygon game database modeling, 102–103, 103
house for, 103–106, 103–106
mapping roof for, 118–120, 118–119
material IDs and mapping coordinates for, 113–117, 114, 116–117
materials for, 113
modifier stack names for, 110–112, 111–112
polygon reduction for, 107–110, 108, 110
Luminosity parameter, 317

M button, 331
M (mix) option, 331
Macro Recorder, 475
limitations of, 481
using, 480–481
Macro Recorder command, 51
Macro Scripts, 615
floaters in, 572
icons for, 615, 615
loading, 616
Macro Scripts option, 60
Macroscripts folder, 616
Main Toolbar, 53–55
Make Material Copy button, 278
Make Preview command, 46
Make Preview dialog box, 393, 393
Make Selected Planar tool, 92
Make Selected Same Size option, 458
MakeIcon script, 480
manage_properties.ms script, 638–641
manager/server principal, 406
Manual Secondary lens effect, 415
Map Bias setting, 349
Map Size setting, 349
.mapcoords property, 509
MAPPATHS object, 636
mapping channels, 270
Mapping option, 403
maps and mapping, 28, 30, 269
altering outputs from, 333–334, 334
for camera, 336–338
coordinates for, 113–117, 114, 116–117, 269–271
for environment, 381
for fog, 385
procedural, 30, 30, 300, 304
projecting from lights, 359
for Raytrace materials, 306, 308, 321, 322, 462–463, 464
for roofs, 118–120, 118–119
scripts for, 515–516, 516
for shadows, 355–358
types of, 300
2-D, 300–302, 302–303
3-D, 304–305, 305–306
compositors, 306
other, 306–311, 308–311
Maps rollout, 301, 463
Marble map type, 304
marquee-selected vertices, 143
Mask parameter, 299
master objects, 23–24
Master point controller, 227
Material 1 parameter, 299, 331
Material Editor, 70, 71, 271–272, 272
Material/Map Browser, 30, 31, 279–283, 279, 281
Material/Map Navigator, 30, 31, 283–284, 283
navigating, 272–279, 275–277
scripts for, 517
shortcut keys for, 694
Material Editor button, 54
Material Effects Channel button, 278
material ids, 113–117, 114, 116–117
Material/Map Browser, 30, 31, 113, 279–283, 279, 281
Material/Map Navigator, 30, 31, 283–284, 283
Material/Map Navigator button, 278
#material parameter type, 652
Material plug-in, 648
Material track icon, 204
materials, 28, 29–30, 267, 513–514
animating, 210–211
Blend type, 298–300, 298
CG shading, 268–269
colors for, 514
common types, 284
compound, 327
composite, 329–332, 330
double sided, 327–328, 327
Shellac, 332–333, 332
top/bottom, 328–329, 329
creating, 524–526, 525
extending, 665–668, 665
in faucet animation, 434–436, 435
libraries for, 517–518, 518
for low-polygon game database modeling, 113
maps for. See maps and mapping
Matte/Shadow, 324–326, 324–326
Multi/Sub-Object type, 295–298, 296–297
new, 333–336, 334
noise bump maps for, 519–521
Raytrace, 315–316, 316
basic parameters for, 316–319, 317–318
controls for, 322–323, 323
Dynamics Utility for, 323–324, 324
extended parameters for, 319–321, 320
maps for, 321, 322
supersampling, 336
recording, 518–519
shaders for, 514–515, 514–515
Standard, 285–286
Anisotropic shader, 290, 290
Blinn shader, 286–290, 286–287
Metal shader, 291, 291
Multi-Layer shader, 291–293, 292
Oren-Nayar-Blinn shader, 293, 293–294
Phong shader, 294
scripts for, 513–515, 514–515
Strauss shader, 294–295, 294
math formulas, 590
math operations, 483–485
matte material, 462, 462
Matte/Shadow materials, 324–326, 324–326
MAX 2.5 Star supersampling, 335
Max Light % setting, 387
MAX MODE PANEL command, 632
MAX MODIFY MODE command, 526
max move command, 632
max rotate command, 632
max select command, 632
Max Steps setting, 386
MAX VIEWS REDRAW command, 630
MAXFILENAME command, 620
MAXFILEPATH command, 620
MAXScript, 473
for animating, 572–576, 573
for animation controllers. See animation controllers
for arrays, 492–493, 511–513, 511
for batch file conversions, 621–624, 622–623
for bitmaps, 599–609, 601, 603, 607
conditions in, 489–492, 492
for environment, 527–529, 527–528
for file management, 496–497, 635–641, 637–638
for floaters, 571–572
functions in, 494–495
for global object properties, 507–509, 508–509
for hierarchies, 526
Macro Recorder in, 475, 480–481
for materials, 513–521, 514–516, 518, 524–526, 525
math operations in, 483–485
for MAX interface, 631–635
for meshes, 539–548, 540
for modifiers, 521–524, 522
for objects, 503–507, 504
opening and saving files for, 620–621
for render effects, 529–531
for rendering results, 598–599
repeating tasks in, 492–494
for replicating objects, 509–511
for rotation, 511–513, 511
sample using, 476–480, 476, 478–480
for scatters, 545–546
for scene scripts, 616–620
for splines, 531–539, 532, 534, 537
for startup scripts, 614–616, 615
strings in, 486–489
structures in, 495–496
text file I/O in, 496–499
user interface for, 474–475, 474
variables in, 482–483, 613–614
for vertex color, 546–548
for viewports, 627–631, 628
for Xref scenes and objects, 624–627, 625
MAXScript editing window, 478, 479
MAXScript Editor, 475
MAXScript Listener command, 51
MAXScript menu, 51
MAXScript Reference command, 52
.mcr files, 615
Media Cleaner Pro, 402
MEDITMATERIAL command, 517
for animation, 199
for bitmaps, 601
menu items, 576–577
MENUITEM command, 577
menus and menu bar commands, 43–44, 43
Customize menu, 47
Edit menu, 44–45
File menu, 44
Group menu, 45
in MAXScript, 474, 474
Rendering menu, 46
Schematic View menu, 47
shortcut, 576–578, 628–629
Tools menu, 45
Track View menu, 46–47
Views menu, 46
Merge dialog box, 434
Merge Objects dialog box, 620
#mergedups event, 621
MERGEMAXFILE command, 620–621
compound objects, 100
in faucet animation, 433–434, 434
mesh models, 77, 78
meshes, 12, 90
animating, 596–597
for Boolean objects, 97
converting objects to, 539
edge data for, 544
editing, 544–545
elements as, 15–16
face data for, 542–543
NURBS from, 164
properties for, 539–541, 540
vertex data for, 542–543
MESHOPS command, 544
MeshSmooth modifier, 88, 173, 174
messageboxes, 565, 565
Metal shader, 291, 291
MetaParticles, 431–433, 432–433
Min Light % setting, 387
Min/Max View tool, 65–68, 65, 67–68
minus symbols (-)
for meshes, 541
for rollouts, 62
Mirror Curve tool, 162, 163
Mirror floater, 186
mirror reflections, 461–467, 462, 464, 466
Mirror-reflections object, 463
Mirror tool, 160
Mirror Surface tool, 162, 163
mirroring Narwhale model, 160–161, 160–161
Mitchell-Netravali anti-aliasing filter, 404
Mix Amount parameter, 299
Mixing Curve parameter, 299
mod function, 485
modeless dialog boxes, 378
Modeling Tab, 55
building, 81
compound objects for. See compound objects
from extended primitives, 84–86, 85–86
low-polygon game database. See low-polygon game database modeling
modifiers for. See modifiers
organic forms. See box modeling; Narwhale model; organic modeling; patches
from standard primitives, 82–84, 82–84
sub-objects in, 91–93, 92
types of, 77–79, 78
Modifier plug-in, 648
modifiers, 87–88
adding, 521–522
animating, 206–207
creating, 671–673, 672
in dataflow, 24–26, 24–26
extending, 661–665, 663–664
geometry generation with, 89–91
navigating, 208–209
in object space, 80
options for, 522–523, 522
for polygon reduction, 107–110, 108, 110
renaming stack of, 110–112, 111–112
space warps, 524
sub-object level for, 523
for surface tools, 142
vs. transforms, 125–126
uses for, 88–89
Modifiers Tab, 55
Modify tab, 63
for control vertices, 131
Edit Stack command, 132, 140, 151
More menu
CrossSection command, 140, 151
FFD (box) command, 251
Linked XForm command, 248
Morpher command, 217
Surface command, 141
Monochrome toggle tool, 391
mood lighting, 370
Morph object, 93, 102, 216
morph targets, 216, 249
Morpher modifier, 217–218
morphing, 216–218, 218
Motion Capture controller, 227
motion components in dummy objects, 250
Motion Flow mode in Biped system, 261, 261
Motion section for combustion, 389
Motion tab, 63, 222
MOUSEMOVE event, 647
MOUSEPOINT event, 647
.mov (Apple QuickTime) format, 40, 399
compression for, 402
in network rendering, 406
Move button, 54
Move Control Point tool, 137–138, 422
Move Keys tool, 202, 203, 205, 234, 237
Move Left command, 56, 58
Move Point tool, 333
Move Right command, 56, 58
Move to Tab Panel command, 58
Move Transform dialog box, 13, 14, 171
Move Transform Type-In floater, 182, 185
move_vertex utility, 633–635
MOVEKEYS command, 585
movies for animation, 211
buttons, 59
keys, 237–238
toolbars, 57–58, 57–58
in world space, 80
Mtl (Material) Editor browse source, 281
Mtl (Material) Library browse source, 281
Multi-Layer shader, 291–293, 292
multi-machine rendering, 406
Multi/Sub-Object type, 295–298, 296–297
Multicurve Trimmed Surface tool, 162
MULTIMATERIAL command, 518
multiple comparisons, 491–492, 492
multiplication in MAXScript, 483–484
Multiplier setting, 349
multipliers, light, 351
Multisided Blend Surface tool, 163

Name and Color rollout, 418
.name property, 508
Named Selection Sets button, 54
for files, 394
for modifier stacks, 110–112, 111–112
for slots, 273
for variables, 482–483
Narwhale model, 150–151, 150
flipper for, 157–163, 157–159
mirroring, 160–161, 160–161
spline cage alignment for, 151–152
surface tools setup for, 152–153, 152
tail for, 153–156, 153–155, 157
Material Editor, 272–279, 275–277
modifier stacks, 208–209
navigation tools, 64
Near Attenuation setting, 353, 353
necks, box modeling for, 180–183, 181–183
Negative image filter, 457
animation controllers, 224–227, 225–226
events, 447
Net Render option, 408
Network Job Assignment Dialog box, 409, 409
network rendering, 406
network setup for, 406–408
render queue in, 410, 410
sending in, 408–409, 409
troubleshooting, 410–411, 411
New browse source, 281
New command, 44
New Floater button, 350
New Script button, 474
New Script command, 51
New Sequence button, 447
NewBox plug-in, 678–680, 678
Next key tool, 235, 235
#node parameter type, 652
noise bump maps, 519–521
Noise controllers, nesting with Path controllers, 226–227
Noise map type, 304
Noise setting, 386
non-orthographic views, 10–11, 11
non-sequential tasks, 493–494
non-uniform rational B-splines. See NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines)
non-uniform rational MeshSmooth (NURMS)
for box modeling. See box modeling
subdivision surface modeling with, 168–170, 170
nonuniformscale command, 632
Normal Align option, 270
Normal modifier, 88
Normal Projected Curve tool, 162, 163
Normalize Spline script, 536–539, 537
normals, 145, 268
Normals tool, 92
NOT expressions, 491
nspline2 plug-in, 661–663
nth_number function, 494–495
NTSC format
frame rates in, 197
output size option for, 398
nulls, 246–247
handles for, 247–249, 248–249
for second pivot points, 250–252, 252
separating motion components in, 250
number of sides with surface tools, 145
number signs (#) for arrays, 492–493
.numcpverts property, 548
.numcpvverts property, 540
NUMEFFECTS command, 530
.numfaces property, 539
NUMKNOTS command, 532–533, 535
NUMSEGMENTS command, 535
NUMSPLINES command, 532–533
.numtverts property, 540
.numverts property, 539
NUMVIEWS command, 630
NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines), 77, 78, 129, 161–162
curves on surface for, 167, 168
forms for, 164–165, 165
independent surfaces for, 166
from mesh objects, 164
process for, 166–167, 167
shaping, 130–131, 130–131
shortcut keys for, 695–696
surfaces for, 164–166, 166
toolbox for, 162–163, 162
trimming surfaces for, 167–168
NURBSBox tool, 646–647
NURMS (non-uniform rational MeshSmooth)
for box modeling. See box modeling
subdivision surface modeling with, 168–170, 170

object classes, identifying objects with, 507
Object creation parameters, 24
object dataflow, 23, 23, 79–81
master objects in, 23–24
modifiers in, 24–26, 24–26
object properties in, 28, 29–30
space warps in, 28, 28
transforms in, 26–27, 27
Object ID image source, 416
object level, 206
object motion blur, 405
object-oriented programming languages, 22
Object Properties dialog box, 28, 29, 507–509, 508
object scripts, 503
for accessing objects by name, 505
for creating objects and accessing properties, 504–505, 504
for selections, 506–507
object space, modifiers in, 80
Object track icon, 204
Object Type attribute, 23
objects, 15, 21–22, 22
accessing by name, 505
animating, 201, 201
converting to editable meshes, 539
creating, 504–505, 504
dummy. See dummy objects
position and scale of, 510
properties of, 28–30, 29–31
accessing, 504–505, 504, 507–509, 508–509
evaluation of, 81
replicating, 509–511
rotating, 510–511
Track View for, 204–205, 205
Xref, 624
objects selection, 506
Objects Tab, 55, 64
Offset Curve tool, 162, 163
Offset Surface tool, 162, 163
Offset value for rotation angles, 105
offset_vert.ms script, 633–635
Oil Tank primitive, 85
Omni lights, 345
ON MOUSEMOVE action, 645
ON MOUSEPOINT action, 645
On/Off controller, 227
ONB (Oren-Nayar-Blinn) shader, 293, 293–294
Online Reference command, 52
for Blinn shader, 287
for composite materials, 331
for fog, 385
opacity maps, 385, 461
Opacity parameter, 287
Opaque Alpha parameter, 325, 462
Open/Close command, 45
OPEN command, 535
Open Listener button, 474
Open Material Library dialog box, 518, 518
open rollouts, 62
Open Script button, 474
Open Script command, 51
Open Sequence button, 447
OPENBITMAP command, 600
OPENFILE command, 497
floaters, 571–572
MAXScript files, 497, 620–621
Optimize modifier, 88–89
.optimize property, 509
optimize2 plug-in, 663–665
Options button, 278
Options control, 323
Options section
in Common Parameters, 398
in Scanline Renderer, 403, 403
OR expressions, 491
Orbit tool, 348
Orbit and Pan Camera tool, 67, 67
Orbit and Pan Light tool, 69, 69
Oren-Nayar-Blinn (ONB) shader, 293, 293–294
organic modeling, 123–124
box modeling. See box modeling
modeling approach in, 124–126, 127
Narwhale model. See Narwhale model
with NURBS, 161–170, 162, 165–168, 170
with patches. See patches
reference images in, 126, 127
splines in, 127–131, 128–131
Orientation setting, 290
aligning spline cages to, 151–152
in local coordinates, 32
in world coordinates, 31
orthographic views, 10
Other map types, 306–311, 308–311
out-of-range options, 244–246, 244–245
output in large format printing
determining, 701–702
resolution of, 705–706
Output Size section, 397–398
overlap for events, 458
overshoot for shadows, 357

Paint map type, 301
painting light and shadows, 365
PAINTINTERP command, 533
PAL format
frame rates in, 197
output size option for, 398
Pan tool, 65, 65, 187, 347–348
panning cursors, 53
parallax, 336
parameter curve out-of-range options, 244–246, 244–245
Parameter Out-of-Range tool, 202, 202
parameters, animating, 206–211, 208
Parameters areas, 62
parent coordinates, 34, 35
.parent property, 526
parentheses ()
for math operations, 483
for repeating actions, 494
partial loading and saving, 620–621
Particle Age map type, 304
Particle Generation rollout, 430, 430, 433
Particle MBlur map type, 304
particle systems, animating, 214–216
Particle Type rollout, 432
Particles Tab, 55
Patch Grids command, 132
patch models, 77–78, 78
Patch Sub-Object button, 133
patches, 132
adding, 135
attaching and welding, 135–136, 135–136
creating, 132–133
five-sided, 149
interior vertices for, 136
from loft objects, 137–139, 137–138
options for, 133–134, 134
shaping, 133
surface tools for, 139–149, 140–142, 144, 146–148
PATCHOPS command, 544
path animation, editing, 237
Path controllers
assigning, 224–225, 225
nesting, 225–227
lofting, 98–99, 98–99, 417–418, 417
scripts for, 636
#percent parameter type, 652
Perlin Marble map type, 304
persistence of vision, 195
persistent variables and functions, 616–617
Perspective tool, 67, 67
perspective views, 10
Phase setting, 385
Phong shader, 286, 294
Photoshop image filter, 457
Physique modifier, 262
pi function, 485
pick coordinates, 34, 35
Pick Gizmo button, 386
Pick Light button, 387
Pick Material from Object tool, 279, 519
creating, 560–562, 560
filters for, 570
PICKPOINT command, 479
Ping Pong out-of-range type, 244, 244
Pivot attribute, 23–24
pivot points
dummy objects for, 250–252, 252
in models, 79
.pivotcenter property, 632
pixel manipulation in bitmaps, 601–604, 603
Place Highlight tool, 348
Planet map type, 304
Plate Match/Max R2 anti-aliasing filter, 404
Play Animation icon, 70
Play tool, 198, 199
playback, adjusting, 199–200
Plug-In Keyboard Shortcut option, 167
plug-in scripts, 475, 481, 616, 645
creating, 647–650, 648
for geometry, 678–684, 678, 684
for helpers, 659–661, 659
for materials, 665–668, 665
for modifiers, 661–665, 663–664, 671–673, 672
parameters for, 651–655, 653–654
for render effects, 673–678, 677
rollouts in, 650–651, 651
for shapes, 655–659, 657
system-like, 668–671, 668
tools for, 645–647
PLUGIN command, 649–650
plugin_dummybox.ms script, 660–661
plugin_enemybase.ms script, 681–684
plugin_hand.ms script, 669–671
plugin_helix2.ms script, 657–659
plugin_hemisphere.ms script, 654–655
plugin_hue.ms script, 674–677
plugin_newbox.ms script, 678–680
plugin_newstar.ms script, 655–656
plugin_normalize2.ms script, 661–663
plugin_optimize2.ms script, 663–665
plugin_rayglass.ms script, 666–668
plugin_zigzag.ms script, 672–673
Plugins folder, 616
plus symbols (+) for rollouts, 62
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file format, 39, 399
polygonal models, 77, 78
polygons, 15, 15, 107–110, 108, 110
POPPROMPT command, 632–633
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format, 39, 399
pose-to-pose animation, 196
position of objects, 510
Position parameter, 328
.position property, 510
Position Ranges mode, 203
Position XYZ controller, 223
compositing, 459–467, 462, 464, 466
editing, 457–459, 459
Video Post for. See Video Post
#postrenderframe event, 617
Preference Settings dialog box
for gamma correction, 412
for inverse kinematics, 258
for keyboard shortcuts, 49, 50
for rendering, 389, 395
for script controllers, 595, 596
Preferences tab, 453, 453
Premiere image filter, 457
#prerenderframe event, 617
Preview button, 278
previewing rendering, 393–394, 393
Previous key tool, 235, 235
extended, 84–86, 85–86
standard, 82–84, 82–84
PRINT command, 486, 498
print images, 39
PRINT TO command, 497
printing, large format. See large format printing
Prism primitive, 85
procedural maps, 30, 30, 300, 304
Production setting
Quick Render command for, 55
for rendering, 395
programming. See MAXScript
progress bars, 633–635
PROGRESSEND command, 633
PROGRESSSTART command, 633
Project Map settings, 359
projecting maps from lights, 359
prompt line, 632
#promptdups event, 621
properties, 28–30, 29–31
accessing, 504–505, 504, 507–509, 508–509
evaluation of, 81
for interface items, 555–556
for meshes, 539–541, 540
Track View, 582–587, 583
Properties command, 44–45
Properties tool, 202, 203
.proxyfilename property, 624
.proxyobjectname property, 624
PRS animation controller, 220
ps file format, 399
Pseudo Alpha image filter, 457
PUSHPROMPT command, 632–633
Put Material to Scene button, 278
Put to Library button, 278

Quad Patch button, 132
Quad patches, 132
Quadratic anti-aliasing filter, 404
queryboxes, 565–566, 565
question marks (?) for wildcards, 506
Queue Manager, 410, 410–411
render, 410, 410–411
Video Post, 455–456, 456
Quick Render button, 54–55, 380, 389
Quick Render command, 55
QuickTime movie file format, 40, 399
compression for, 402
in network rendering, 406
QUITMAX command, 621

radians, 485
radio buttons, 562–564, 562
#radiobtnindex parameter type, 652
radiosity, 370
Radiosity algorithm, 289
radtodeg function, 485
RAM Player, 411–413
RAM Player command, 46
RAM Player Configuration dialog box, 412
random function, 485
color, 405
spinner, 555
Ray lens effect, 415
rayGlass plug-in, 666–668
Raytrace materials, 315–316, 316
basic parameters for, 316–319, 317–318
controls for, 322–323, 323
Dynamics Utility for, 323–324, 324
extended parameters for, 319–321, 320
maps for, 306, 308, 321, 322, 462–463, 464
supersampling, 336
Raytrace Reflection control, 323
Raytrace Refractions control, 323
Raytraced Reflection control, 323
raytraced shadows, 357
Raytracer Parameters rollout, 463
Raytracing algorithm, 289
Re-scale Time button, 200
Reactor controller, 227, 696
READCHAR command, 498
materials, 517
MAXScript data, 497–498
READLINE command, 498
receding colors, 363–364
Receive Shadows parameter, 325
recording materials, 518–519
Rectangular Selection Region tool, 173, 187
recursion depth, 322
Redo button, 54
Redo command, 46
Redraw All Views command, 46
screen, 144
viewports, 630
REDRAWVIEWS command, 630
REDUCEKEYS command, 587
details, 702
keys, 587
polygons, 107–110
REFERENCE command, 509
Reference Coordinate System flyout, 251
reference copies, 142
reference images, 126, 127
Refine button, 421
REFINESEGMENT command, 535
Reflect Falloff control, 323
Reflect parameter, 317
Reflect/Refract reflection maps, 306
Reflection Amount parameter, 325
Reflection Map parameter, 325
compositing, 461–467, 462, 464, 466
in large format printing, 703
Raytrace, 318–319
Raytrace maps for, 306, 308, 462–463, 464
vs. refractions, 316
Reflections Type parameter, 319
Refract Falloff control, 323
Refraction Antialiaser control, 323
refractions vs. reflections, 316
Region Fit option, 270
Region Zoom tool, 65, 65
relative Macro Recorder actions, 480
Relative Repeat out-of-range type, 244, 244
Relax modifier, 88
relief maps, 6
REMOVE command, 617
Remove Interior Patches option, 141, 145–146, 152
REMOVEALL command, 617
REMOVEROLLOUT command, 567
REMOVESCRIPT command, 618
Rename Tab command, 56
files, 394
modifier stacks, 110–112, 111–112
Render Channel floater, 607, 607
render_channel.ms script, 604–606
Render command
in MAXScript, 599
on Rendering menu, 46
Render Effects dialog box, 413–416, 414
Render Hidden option, 398
Render Last button, 389
Render Options button, 450
Render Output section, 398–401, 399
render queue, 410, 410
Render Scene button, 54
Render Scene dialog box, 55, 389, 390
Render Scene rollout, 327
Render to Fields option, 398
.renderable property, 508–509
rendered channel information, 604–606
Rendereffect plug-in, 648
RENDEREFFECTS command, 598
RENDERER command, 598
RENDERHEIGHT command, 598
rendering, 377–378
to animated file formats, 39–40
atmospheres for, 382–389, 384, 386–388
backgrounds for, 378–381
Common Parameters rollout for, 395, 396
Options section, 398
for output size, 397–398
Render Output section, 398–401, 399
for time output, 396–397
for video compression, 401–402
effects in, 413
applying, 416
choosing, 413–416, 414
creating, 673–678, 677
scripts for, 529–531
environments for, 378, 379
faucet animation. See faucet animation
images, 599
large format printing. See large format printing
lighting for, 381–382
network, 406–411, 409–411
previewing, 393–394, 393
production and draft settings for, 395
RAM Player for, 411–413
renderer for, 389–391, 390
Scanline Renderer rollout for, 403–405, 403
scripts for, 598–599
to still-image file formats, 38–39, 38
viewports for, 394
Virtual Frame Buffer for, 391–392, 391
Rendering Effects dialog box, 677, 677
Rendering menu, 46
Rendering Tab, 55
RENDERWIDTH command, 598
repeating tasks, 492–494
REPLACEPROMPT command, 633
replicating objects, 509–511
rescaling time, 200
Reset command, 44, 68, 477
Reset File option, 50
Reset Map Material to Default tool, 282
Reset Rotation option, 276
Reset Selected button, 150
Reset the Map button, 278
reset_time_working function, 618–619
Reset XForm utility, 150–151
RESETMAXFILE command, 621
resolution in large format printing, 705–706
Restrict Axis button, 54
REVERSE command, 535
reverse_keys.ms script, 586–587
reverse rendering, 397
Reverse tool, 198, 199
REVERSETIME command, 586
RGB (red, green, and blue) color model, 288, 343
RGB channel toggles, 391, 392
.rgb file format, 399
Ring lens effect, 415
RingWave primitive, 85
Ripple space warp, 209
.rla (Run-length encoded version A) file format, 40, 399–400
Roll tool, 67, 67, 347
Roll Light tool, 69, 69
rolledup option, 568
rollouts, 62
adding and removing, 567–568, 567
building, 566–567
in floaters, 568–572, 568
in plug-in scripts, 650–651, 651
roofs, mapping, 118–120, 118–119
Rotate button, 54
Rotate Transform Type-In dialog box, 105–106
arrays, 511–513, 511
objects, 510–511
.rotation property, 510
Roughness parameter
for Multi-Layer shader, 291
for Oren-Nayar-Blinn shader, 293
.rpf file format, 399–400
Run Script button, 474
Run Script command, 51, 551

S button, 330–331
safe frames, 631
Sample Slot area, 272–273
Sample Slot button, 278
Sample Type button, 276
Sample UV Tiling button, 278
Sample Volume % setting, 388
Samples option for combustion, 389
sampling ranges for shadows, 356–357
Save Active command, 46
Save As command, 44
Save File option, 261, 392, 400
Save Image tool, 391, 392
Save Selected command, 44
Save Sequence button, 447
SAVECONFIG command, 636
SAVEMAXFILE command, 620
SAVENODES command, 620
bitmaps, 516, 516ii
colors to Clipboard, 349–350
MAXScript files, 620–621
versions with surface tools, 144
Scale button, 54
Scale Deformation dialog box, 137–138, 137, 422, 422
scale of objects, 510
Scale option, 405
Scale Point tool, 333
.scale property, 510
SCALETIME command, 585
Scanline Renderer rollout, 403, 403
for anti-aliasing, 403–404
for auto reflect/refract maps, 405
for color range limiting, 405
for global supersampling, 404
for image motion blur, 405
for object motion blur, 405
scatter_exercise.ms script, 545–546
Scatter objects, 93
creating, 545–546
uses for, 102, 103
Scene browse source, 281
scenes and scene scripts
backgrounds for, 527
change handlers for, 617–620
events for, 448–450, 449
persistent variables in, 616–617
properties for, 637–641, 637
Xref, 624–627, 625
Schematic View, shortcut keys for, 694
Schematic View button, 54
Schematic View menu, 47
coordinates for, 33, 33
redrawing, 144
screen images, 39
Script controllers, 227
conditions for, 593–595
creating, 592–593, 593
limitations and setup for, 595, 596
scripts. See MAXScript
SCRIPTSPATH command, 636
scuba regulator, 86, 87
searching for text, 488
second pivot points, 250–252, 252
Segment setting, 95
Segment sub-object button, 147
segmented model, 252
segments for splines, 532, 534–535
Select and Link tool, 254
Select by Material button, 278
Select by Name dialog box, 420
Select by Name tool, 54, 146–148, 254–255
Select Clip tool, 261, 261
SELECT command, 506
Select Light setting, 349
Select Object option, 54, 187
Select Objects dialog box, 254–255, 254–255
Select Sub-Objects dialog box, 167, 167
SELECTBITMAP command, 600
Selected browse source, 281
Selected color swatch, 391, 392
.selectededges property, 540
.selectedfaces property, 540
.selectedverts property, 540
Selection Center, 143–144
.selectioncenter property, 632
in alpha channels, 460–461
applying materials to, 524–526, 525
object scripts for, 506–507
Selections option, 480
SELECTKEY command, 585
SELECTKEYS command, 585
SELECTMORE command, 506
SELECTSAVEBITMAP command, 516, 599
Self-Illumination parameter, 287, 289–290
sending network renders, 408–409, 409
separating motion components, 250
SEPARATOR command, 577
sequential tasks, 493
servers, network, 406
Set All Lights option, 348
Set Number button, 295
Set Number of Points button, 251
SETCAMERA command, 630
SETEDGEVIS command, 544
SETFIRSTKNOT command, 535
SETINISETTING command, 499
SETKNOTPOINT command, 534
SETKNOTTYPE command, 533
SETLAYOUT command, 627
SETMESH command, 680
SETPIXELS command, 601, 604
SETTYPE command, 629
SETUICOLOR command, 636
SETVERTCOLOR command, 548
SETWAITCURSOR command, 631
70mm IMAX (cine) option, 398
70mm Panavision (cine) option, 398
Shade Selected command, 46
.shaderbyname property, 514–515
shaders, 269
Anisotropic, 290, 290
Blinn, 286–290, 286–287
Metal, 291, 291
Multi-Layer, 291–293, 292
Oren-Nayar-Blinn, 293, 293–294
Phong, 286, 294
scripts for, 514–515, 514–515
Strauss, 294–295, 294
.shadertype property, 514
shading, 268–269
Shadow Brightness parameter, 325
(Shadow) Color parameter, 325
Shadow Mapped or Raytraced Shadows setting, 349
Shadow Parameters rollout, 355, 364
shadows, 355
atmosphere, 358
on backgrounds, 325–326, 325–326
color of, 358
in large format printing, 703
maps for, 355–358
painting, 365
raytraced, 357
for Scanline Renderer, 403
Shadows option, 403
Shape plug-in, 648
Shape section, 388–390
ShapeMerge object, 93, 95, 100
for combustion, 388–390
converting to splines, 532
extending, 655–659, 657
for lofting, 97–98, 98
scripts for, 531
shapes selection, 506
Shapes Tab, 55
function curves, 240–244, 241–244
NURBS splines, 130–131, 130–131
patches, 133
sharks from boxes, 83–84, 83–84
Sharp Quadratic anti-aliasing filter, 404
Shelf Area, 52–53
customizing, 56–61, 56–60
Main Toolbar, 53–55
Tab commands on, 55
Shellac Color Blend parameter, 332
Shellac material, 332–333, 332
SHELLLAUNCH command, 636
shortcut keys
creating, 49–51, 50–51
for editable meshes, 697–698
for free-form deformations, 696
for main user interface, 689–693
for Material Editor, 694
for NURBS, 695–696
for reactor controllers, 696
for Schematic View, 694
for Track View, 693–694
for Video Post, 694–695
for views, 10
shortcut menus
building, 576–578
viewport layouts on, 628–629
Show Background option, 705
SHOW command, 616, 618
Show Cone option, 354
Show End Result button, 108–109, 169, 269, 278
Show Interior Edges option, 134
Show Map in Viewport button, 210, 278
SHOWPROPERTIES command, 504–505, 504, 514–515
side-by-side rendering comparisons, 412
Simple Wipe image filter, 457
simulating light and color, 360–363, 361
sin function, 485
6cm X 6cm (2 1/4” X 2 1/4”) (slide) option, 398
for fog tendrils, 385
for shadow maps, 356
Size setting, 385
Skin Parameters rollout, 420
Skip Existing Frames option, 401
Skip Existing Images option, 401
Slice modifier, 88–89
sliders, 556–557, 556
Sliding Friction property, 324
Slow In/Out tangents, 240, 240, 242–243
small format printing, 702
smoke effects, 388
Smoke Map rollout, 307
Smoke map type, 304
Smooth controller, 227
Smooth modifier, 88
Smooth option, 127
Smooth tangents, 240, 240
smoothing for Connect object, 100
smoothly continuing animation, 246
Snap tool, 103–104
SNAPSHOT command, 509, 539, 546
for copying objects, 509, 546
for editable meshes, 539
for morph targets, 249
Soft Selection option, 165
Soft Selection rollout, 211
Soften anti-aliasing filter, 404
Soften Diff(use) Edge control, 358
Soften Gizmo Edges option, 386
Soften parameter
for Blinn shader, 287
for Raytrace materials, 317
Sorensen compression, 402
space concepts, 31
grid coordinates, 34, 34
local coordinates, 32, 32
parent coordinates, 34, 35
pick coordinates, 34, 35
screen coordinates, 33, 33
view coordinates, 33, 33
world coordinates, 31, 32
space warps, 28, 28
adding, 215–216
animating, 209, 209
binding, 425–426
in dataflow, 81
for faucet animation, 422–425, 423–424, 438–439, 439
scripts for, 524
timing of, 424–425, 424
spacewarps selection, 506
SpaceWarps Tab, 55
special characters, 486–487
Speckle map type, 304
Specular control, 358
Specular parameter, 287–289
Specular Color parameter, 317
Specular Level parameter
for Blinn shader, 287–288
for Raytrace materials, 317
Speed option, 433
Sphere option, 276
spheregizmo gizmo, 528
heads from, 82–83, 82
for slots, 273
Spindle primitive, 85
spinners, 554–555, 555
Splat map type, 304
spline cages, 139
aligning to origin, 151–152
surfacing, 141, 142
Spline sub-object button, 148, 154
SPLINEOPS command, 536
splines, 531
animating, 597–598, 598
Bezier, 127–129, 128–129
converting shapes to, 532
creating, 536
detaching to CrossSection, 145–149, 146–148
editing, 533–535, 534
NURBS. See NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines)
in organic modeling, 127–131, 128–131
properties for, 509, 509
scripts for, 536–539, 537
terms for, 532–533, 532
Spotlight Parameters rollout, 354
spout for faucet animation, 421–422, 422
Spray option, 215–216
sqrt function, 485
squashscale command, 632
Standard materials, 285–286
Anisotropic shader, 290, 290
Blinn shader, 286–290, 286–287
Metal shader, 291, 291
Multi-Layer shader, 291–293, 292
Oren-Nayar-Blinn shader, 293, 293–294
Phong shader, 294
scripts for, 513–515, 514–515
Strauss shader, 294–295, 294
standard primitives, 82–84, 82–84
Standard viewport tools, 64–66, 65–66
Star_2 plug-in, 655–656
Star lens effect, 415
Starfield image filter, 457
Startup folder, 614, 616
startup.ms file, 614
startup scripts, 614–616, 615
.state property, 563
Static Friction property, 324
Step option, 452
Step tangents, 240, 240, 242, 242
.steps property, 509
still-image file formats, 38–39
stop motion animation, 17
Stop tool, 198, 199
storyboard artists, 17
straight ahead animation, 196
Strauss shader, 294–295, 294
Streak lens effect, 415
Stretch option, 389
strings in MAXScript, 486
concatenating, 484
manipulating, 488
outputting, 486
special characters in, 486–487
structures, 495–496
Stucco map type, 304
sub-object areas, 12
Sub-Object button, 133, 135, 147, 152
sub-objects and sub-object level, 206
accessing, 124
animating, 211–214, 211–213
editing, 26, 91–93, 92
for modifiers, 523
subanims, 582–583
subdividing patches, 133–134
subdivision surface modeling
for box modeling. See box modeling
with NURBS, 168–170, 170
SUBOBJECTLEVEL command, 534, 544
SUBSTRING command, 488
in MAXScript, 483–484
of meshes, 541
subtractive color model, 342
Summary Info command, 44, 107, 110, 411
sun, lights for, 346
Sunlight system, 347
Super Black option, 398
Super Spray button, 428
Super Spray parameters, 429–431, 430–431
superclasses, 507
SUPERCLASSOF command, 538
methods for, 334–336, 334
Scanline Renderer rollout for, 404
SuperSpray option, 216
Surf. Norm image source, 416
Surface Approximation rollout, 161–162
Surface controller, 227
Surface modifier, 88, 139
Surface Parameters rollout, 269
Surface Properties rollout, 370
Surface-Surface Intersection Curve tool, 162, 163
surface tools, 139
CrossSection modifier, 139–140, 140–141
detaching splines to CrossSection, 145–149, 146–148
five-sided patches, 149
good habits for, 142–144
for Narwhale model. See Narwhale model
spline cages, 139, 141, 142
Surface modifier, 139
troubleshooting surface disappearance, 144–145, 144
independent, 166
lighting, 358
for NURBS, 164–166, 166
subdivision, 168–170, 170
translucent, 320–321, 320
trimming, 167–168
welding, 135–136, 135–136
Swirl map type, 301
in faucet animation, 436–438, 437
of frames, 412
system folders, scripts for, 635–636
system-like plug-in scripts, 668–671, 668
#systempostreset event, 617
#systempostsave event, 617
#systemprereset event, 617
#systempresave event, 617
systems of reference, 31

Tab Panel option, 58–59
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) file format, 39, 399
tail for Narwhale model, 153–156, 153–155, 157
Tangent copy buttons tool, 235, 235
tangent handles, 129
tangent types
options for, 239–240, 240
for shaping function curves, 240–244, 241–244
Tangent types tool, 235, 235
tangents, 205
Targa file format, 39, 399
Targa Image Control dialog box, 464–465
Targa sequences
loading, 465–466
rendering, 464–465
Target Direct lights, 346, 346
Target Spot lights, 345
camera, 67
light, 345
morph, 216, 249
TCB (Tension, Continuity, and Bias) controller, 221, 221
temperature script, 490–492, 492
Tension setting, 95
terminators, 256
Terrain object, 93, 100–102, 101–102
cropping, 488
entering, 489
file I/O, 496–499
searching for, 488
transforming into commands, 488
texture maps, 515
#texturemap parameter type, 652
Texturemap plug-in, 648
.tga (Targa) format, 39, 399
THEN keyword, 490–491
.thickness property, 509
Thin Wall Refraction maps, 306
32-bit Targa sequences, 464–465
35mm output size options, 397–398
3-D map types, 304–305, 305–306
3D Studio MAX RPF (Rich Pixel Format) file format, 399
three-point lighting setup, 365–367, 366, 368–369
with Surface modifier, 144, 144
weld, 136, 143
ticks for sliders, 556–557
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) file format, 39, 399
time and timing, 35
in animation, 69–70, 69–70, 195–200, 198–199
animation playback, 36, 36
frames vs. fields in, 36, 36
function curves for, 37, 38
keys for, 36–37, 37
in rendering, 396–397
rescaling, 200
space warp, 424–425, 424
Time Configuration button, 428
Time Configuration dialog box, 198–200, 199
Time Control area, 69–70, 69–70, 198–200, 198–199
Time lock tool, 235, 235
Time Output section, 396–397
#time parameter type, 652
time segments, active, 200
Time Slider, 70, 70
timeline pane, 446
timer_callbacks.ms script, 618–619
timers, 618–619
timing. See time and timing
Tint color swatch, 382
toggle switches, 58
TOOL command, 645
tool_nurbsbox.ms script, 646–647
toolbars, 53–55
customizing, 59–61, 59–60
moving, 57–58, 57–58
for Track View, 202–203, 202
TOOLMODE commands, 632
tools, creating, 645–647
Tools menu, 45
tooltip property, 615
tooltips, 53
Top/Bottom materials, 328–329, 329
Top Material parameter, 328
top views, 7
Torus Knot primitive, 85
Track Bar, 234
Track View, 70, 71, 202, 202, 232
edit window in, 202, 205, 205
for function curves, 203, 204, 240–244, 241–244
hierarchy of, 202, 204
for interpolating between keyframes, 238–240, 239–240
for keys
creating, 232–234, 233
editing, 234–237, 235–236
moving and copying, 237–238
modes for, 203–204, 203–204
for objects, 204–205, 205
for parameter curve out-of-range options, 244–246, 244–245
for plug-in script parameters, 651–655, 653–654
properties in, 582–584, 583
for controller operations, 585–587
for key manipulation, 584–585
for key reduction, 587
for keyframes, 584
shortcut keys for, 693–694
toolbar for, 202–203, 202
Track View button, 54
Track View menu, 46–47
Track View Selected option, 225
tracks, 202
trajectory in animation, 201, 236, 236
Transform Gizmo, 426
transform tools, 632
Transform Type In command, 45
transformations in dataflow, 80
.transformcenter property, 632
transforming text into commands, 488
transforms, 26–27, 27
animating, 206
vs. modifiers, 125–126
transitions, 458
Translucency parameter, 319, 321, 328
translucent surfaces, 320–321, 320
alpha channels for, 460–461
filters for, 436
for Raytrace materials, 317–319, 321
Transparency parameter, 317–318
Transparency Environment parameter, 319, 321
Tri patches, 132
trimming surfaces, 167–168
troubleshooting network rendering, 410–411, 411
Truck Camera tool, 67, 67
Truck Light tool, 69, 69
TRY command, 570
tweening, 196
tweens, 196
2-D map types, 300–302, 302–303
2-Rail Sweep tool, 162, 163
two-sided materials
creating, 327–328, 327
and shaders, 285–286
2-Sided parameter, 285–286
Type button, 295

U Iso Curve tool, 162, 163–164
U Loft Surface tool, 162, 163
UDeflector space warps, 215–216
UI. See user interface (UI)
UNC (Universal Naming Convention), 407
Unclamped image source, 416
undefined materials, 558
UNDISPLAY command, 600
Undo button, 54
Undo command, 46
Undo/Redo command, 45
Ungroup command, 45
uniformscale command, 632
Unit Setup command, 47
Universal Naming Convention (UNC), 407
Unwrap UVW modifier, 271
UOmniFlect space warp, 438–439, 439
Update Scene Materials from Library tool, 282
Upper and Lower Zones parameter, 299
Use Attenuation Color, 387
Use Axis Constraints option, 153
Use Center flyout, 252
Use Curve parameter, 299
Use Environment Background option, 380
Use Map option, 380
Use option for attenuation, 353
Use Selection Center option, 148
Use Soft Selection option, 211, 213
Use Total option, 430
Use Transform Coordinate Center, 252
.useproxy property, 624
user interface (UI). See also interface, MAX
bitmaps in, 606–609, 607
interactive scenes, 572–576, 573
rollouts for, 566–572, 567–568
scripts for, 636
shortcut keys for, 689–693
shortcut menus, 576–578
utilities for. See utilities
user views, 10–11
utilities, 551, 552
alert messages, 564–566, 565
buttons, 552–554
check boxes, 557–558, 557
colorpicker, 559, 559
creating, 552–556
labels, 564, 564
pickbuttons, 560–562, 560
radio buttons, 562–564, 562
sliders, 556–557, 556
spinners, 554–555, 555
utility_bend.ms script, 554
utility_bump.ms script, 562–564
utility_bump2.ms script, 565
utility_bump3.ms script, 566
Utility Script files, 551
Utility tab, 64, 551
for Asset Manager, 361
in MAXScript, 474
for vertex color, 371
UV Loft Surface tool, 162, 163
UVW modifier, 115–116
UVW Map modifier, 114–115, 270–271

V Iso Curve tool, 162, 163–164
VALIDMODIFIER command, 522
.value property, 583
values, entering, 489
Values of key tool, 235, 235
variables, 482–483
comparing, 489–492, 492
declaring, 613–614
environment, 527–528, 527
for objects, 504
persistent, 616–617
vertex deltas, 216–217
Vertex Sub-Object button, 133, 136, 138, 153–154
vertices, 12–13, 13–14
animating, 211–214, 212–213, 596–598, 598
binding, 149
color of, 370–371, 546–548
fusing, 145
hiding, 144
for meshes, 542–543
for patches, 136
snap settings for, 143
for splines, 532–534, 534
for surface tools, 143–145
ticks for, 144
VFB (Virtual Frame Buffer), 391–392, 391
Video anti-aliasing filter, 404
video clips
compositing, 459–461
editing, 457–459, 459
Video Color Check option, 278, 398
video compression, 401–402, 450, 454
Video Compression dialog box, 454
video file formats, 40
Video Post, 445–446
for image filters, 452–454, 452, 456–457
for image input, 450–452, 451
for image output, 454–455, 455
loading Targa sequences into, 465–466
queues in, 455–456, 456
for scene events, 448–450, 449
shortcut keys for, 694–695
tools in, 446–448, 447
Video Post command, 46
View Align option, 270
#view_back viewport type, 629
#view_bottom viewport type, 629
#view_camera viewport type, 629
View Channel drop-down, 391, 392
view coordinates, 33, 33
View File command, 391
#view_front viewport type, 629
#view_grid viewport type, 630
#view_iso_user viewport type, 629
View Large Icons tool, 282
#view_left viewport type, 629
View List tool, 282
View List+Icons tool, 282
#view_persp_user viewport type, 629
#view_right viewport type, 629
#view_shape viewport type, 630
View Small Icons tool, 282
#view_spot viewport type, 630
#view_top viewport type, 629
#view_track viewport type, 630
viewing in 3-D, 7–8, 7–8
Viewing modes tool, 202, 203
Viewport Background command, 46
Viewport Background dialog box, 380
Viewport Configuration command, 47
Viewport Configuration dialog box, 344
#viewportchange event, 617
viewports, 8–10, 9
for cameras, 66–67, 67, 630
cursors in, 631
layout of, 627–629, 628
Light tools for, 68–69, 68
maps in, 516
non-orthographic views, 10–11, 11
orthographic views, 10
playback in, 199–200
redrawing, 630
for rendering, 394
safe frames in, 631
Standard tools for, 64–66, 65–66
types of, 629–630
Views menu, 46
Back command, 10
Viewport Background command, 126
Virtual Frame Buffer (VFB), 391–392, 391
Virtual Frame Buffer option, 400, 408
.visibility property, 508
VistaVision option, 398
volume fog, 385–386, 386
Volume Light Parameters, 386, 387
volume lights, 359, 386–388, 387
VPQueue pane, 446

wallpaper, 280
warm colors, 370
for faucet animation, 428–429, 428–429
MetaParticles for, 431–433, 432–433
Super Spray parameters for, 429–431, 430–431
Water map type, 304
watermarks, 602–603
Watje, Peter, 139
Waveform controller, 227
Web images, 39
Weight parameter, 169
weld coincident endpoints, 143
WELD command, 536
weld thresholds
for patches, 136
for surface tools, 143
Weld tool, 92
welding patch surfaces, 135–136, 135–136
whales, modeling. See Narwhale model
WHEN change handlers, 619–620
WHILE command, 493–494
Whole image source, 416
wildcards for objects, 506
Windows AVI movie file format, 40, 399, 406
Windows bitmap file format, 399
Wire parameter, 285–286
.wirecolor property, 508
with animate on technique, 531
Wood map type, 304
world coordinates, 31, 32
World Coordinates parameter, 328
world space
movements in, 80
origin in, 13
World track icon, 204
#worldunits parameter type, 652
writing MAXScript data, 497–498

X dimension, 5–6, 6
X rotations, 223
XForm modifiers, 26–27, 88, 150
for animating vertices, 212–214, 213
dummy objects for, 247–248, 248–249
Xref objects, 624, 636
Xref Objects command, 44
Xref scenes, 624–627, 625
Xref Scenes command, 44
XREFPATHS object, 636
XYZ controller, 223

Y dimension, 5–6, 6
Y rotations, 223
Yellow cube icon, 204
yesnocancelboxes, 566

Z-buffer information, 400
Z dimension, 5–6, 6
Z-Hi/Z-Lo image source, 416
Z rotations, 223
Zigzag plug-in, 672–673
zone lighting, 369
Zoom tool, 65–66, 65
Zoom All tool, 65–66, 65
Zoom Extents tool, 65, 65
Zoom Extents All tool, 65–68, 65, 67–68
Zoom Extents Selected tool, 65

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