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Mastering 3D Studio MAX R3

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Creating a Flipper

We’ve built a large sea mammal with a powerful tail, but no means of steering! Our narwhale needs a flipper. You could refine the cage to create an area to “extrude” and then use the technique of detaching splines and applying CrossSection, described earlier in this chapter. We are going to continue to use the technique of drawing profile splines and connecting them with new lines.

FIGURE 5.25  The shaped spline cage

NOTE If you want to start from here, you can open the file ST_narwhale_4.max on the CD.
1.  With 3D Snap off, create a line in the top viewport that looks like the one in the next illustration.
2.  Go to the Spline sub-object level, select the new spline, and position it in the front viewport so it is in the lower third of the narwhale’s body.
3.  Marquee-select the four vertices in the middle of the narwhale’s body and move them down to where the top of the flipper will be.
4.  Zoom in and rotate so you can see the vertices that you just moved. Fuse each set with the corresponding vertex at the top of the flipper.
5.  At the Spline sub-object level, select the flipper spline and shift-drag it downwards to become the bottom of the flipper.
6.  Switch to the Vertex sub-object level and refine the splines of the side of the narwhale where the bottom of the flipper will attach, as in Figure 5.26. (We’ve lost part of our surface because we now have more than four sides. We will fix this later.)
7.  In the left viewport, move the vertices of the end of the flipper down.
8.  Fuse the vertices of the tip of the flipper.
9.  Rotating your view and zooming in, create three new lines (shown in Figure 5.27) to complete your surface. (You may have to return to the object level and check or uncheck Flip Normals on the reference surface to see it.)
10.  Moving the Bezier handles in the different views, shape your surface to fit the narwhale.

FIGURE 5.26  Refine the narwhale’s side where the flipper will attach.

FIGURE 5.27  We’ll use these new lines in the spline cage to complete the surface of the reference copy.

NOTE If you want to start from here, you can open the file ST_narwhale_5.max on the CD.
11.  Using the Bezier handles around the snout, round out the mound where the horn will go.
12.  Leave the Sub-Object level and then select the narwhale surface. Apply a Relax modifier; set the Relax Value to 1.0. Your flipper and tail may have shrunk a little from the smoothing.
13.  Go back to the Vertex sub-object level of the spline cage, marquee-select the vertices of the end of the flipper, and stretch them further out, watching the change on your reference copy. Then do the same with the tail vertices.

We’re not making a very detailed model in this exercise. If you want to add eyes and a mouth, keep adding splines and vertices to get the level of detail you want, creating new lines to connect the cage into three- or four-sided shapes, and then shaping those splines as well.

Mirroring to Create the Other Half

Now we’re ready to mirror our half-narwhale and make a whole one.

NOTE If you want to start from here, you can open the file ST_narwhale_6.max on the CD.
1.  Move the narwhale surface out of the way and select the spline cage. Click the Mirror tool. Check the Y axis and Copy, as in Figure 5.28.

FIGURE 5.28  Mirroring half of the model

2.  Select your original spline cage and click the Attach button. Click your new half. Your reference surface should also be a whole narwhale now.
3.  Select the spline cage, go to the Vertex sub-object level, zoom in to the top viewport, and select the vertices across the middle of the narwhale.
4.  Turn the weld threshold up to 0.5 and click the Weld button. Your surface should be whole. If splines have moved around and you have lost your surface, Undo and weld with a lower weld threshold.
5.  Hide the spline cage.
6.  Create a cone for the narwhale’s horn, giving it 15 height segments and 50 side segments. Apply a Twist modifier to it, and turn the angle of the twist up to about 1400.
7.  Position the horn on the narwhale surface. (If you can see the horn through your model, you need to flip normals on the Surface modifier again.) Congratulations! The finished narwhale is shown in Figure 5.29. A finished version of the project is on the CD as ST_narwhale_7.max.

FIGURE 5.29  The finished narwhale

Modeling with NURBS

We’ve already looked at NURBS curves, which are the basis of NURBS surfaces and models. As with splines in our spline cage, NURBS curves and surfaces can be sub-objects of an overall NURBS model. In the case of NURBS models, you get used to using NURBS curves to generate new NURBS surfaces, NURBS surfaces to generate the new curves you need, and so forth.

Understanding NURBS

As mentioned earlier, “point” curves and surfaces in MAX are actually control vertex (CV) curves and surfaces with an alternate interface. For the purposes of these exercises, we will stick to CV curves and surfaces.

NURBS curve and surface sub-objects can be independent or they can be dependent on another NURBS sub-object for their definition. For instance, a Blend is defined by connecting two other sub-objects. If you change the sub-objects on which it depends, the blend sub-object changes to compensate. This change can also be animated, although it requires a lot of computer horsepower.

As with patches, NURBS allow you to set different tessellation for use in the viewport than for rendering. In the Surface Approximation rollout of the Modify tab of a NURBS surface (object level), you can set the tessellation settings for the viewport and renderer.

TIP Unlike most radio buttons, you are not given a single choice (between viewport settings or renderer settings). You choose the Viewport radio button, choose your viewport settings, then choose the Renderer radio button, and choose your rendering settings.

Working with the NURBS Toolbox

All the NURBS tools can be accessed within the Modify tab of a NURBS surface or through the NURBS toolbox. The toolbox, shown in Figure 5.30, can be brought up by clicking the NURBS Creation Toolbox button. Table 5.1 describes the key commands in the NURBS toolbox and their functions.

FIGURE 5.30  The NURBS toolbox

Table 5.1: Key Sub-Object Commands in the NURBS Creation Toolbox
Tool Description
Create CV Curve Creates an independent CV curve sub-object
Create Blend Curve Creates a smooth connecting curve dependent on the curves it is blending
Create Offset Curve Creates a curve offset from its parent curve
Create Mirror Curve Creates a curve that is the mirror image of its parent curve
Create Surface-Surface Intersection Curve Creates a curve that is the intersection of its parents’ surfaces.
Create U Iso Curve Creates a curve that is the U isoparametric line (see note following table) at the point clicked on the parent’s surface
Create V Iso Curve Creates a curve that is the V isoparametric line at the point clicked on the parent’s surface
Create Normal Projected Curve Creates a curve that is the projection of a parent curve onto a parent surface along the parent surface’s normals
Create CV Curve On Surface Allows you to draw a CV curve dependent upon a parent surface on which you draw it
Create CV Surface Create an independent CV surface sub-object
Create Blend Surface Creates a surface smoothly connecting and blending the curvatures of two parent surfaces
Create Offset Surface Creates a surface offset from the parent surface along the parent surface’s normals
Create Mirror Surface Creates a surface that is the mirror image of the parent surface along a specified axis
Create Extrude Surface Creates an extruded surface of a parent curve along the axis of its gizmo
Create Lathe Surface Creates a lathed surface of a parent curve along the axis of its gizmo
Create U Loft Surface Creates a surface between parent curves that define its U isoparametric lines
Create UV Loft Surface Creates a surface between parent curves, like a U Loft, except it allows some V lines as well. The ends of the V curves should lie on the bounding U curves.
Create 2-Rail Sweep Creates a surface by sweeping one parent curve along two other parent curves that act as “rails” for the sweep
Create Multisided Blend Surface Creates a surface blending three or four parent surfaces

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