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Mastering 3D Studio MAX R3

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In the Listener, type and evaluate each line below. Check to see if the result you get matches the one in the following list.

Formula Result
x = 2 + 3.5 5.5
x = 2 * (3 + 5) 16
x = 2 * 3 + 5 11
x = “abc” + “def” “abcdef”
x = 3 ^ 2 * 4 36
x = 3 ^ (2 * 4) 6561
x = 16 * 2 / 5 6 (all numbers were integers)
x = 16.0 * 2 / 5 6.4 (at least one number is a float)
x = 27.0 / 5 * 3 16.2
x = 27.0 / (5 * 3) 1.8
x = [1,2,3] * 2 [2,4,6]
x = [1,2,3] + 5 [6,7,8]
x = [10,5,-8] + [3,8,2] [13,13,-6]
x = [3,4,-2] * [4,1.5,-1] [12,6,2]

You cannot perform math functions mixing numeric and non-numeric variables. But you can add (concatenate) string variables. Also, notice in the examples in the table that you can perform simple operations using point2 and point3 variables, and even mix them with integers and floats.

TIP When you are using the same variable in both sides of a simple equation, you can use a different syntax that is easier to manipulate: move the operator in front of the equals sign and omit the second variable. This is very useful, for example, when incrementing a variable: x += 1 is the same as x = x + 1. This rule is valid only for the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).

Performing Advanced Math Operations

Besides the basic operations, MAXScript supports all extended math functions like logarithms and trigonometry, and has a random number generator. Here are some examples.

Function Example Result
abs—absoluteabs (-15) 15
mod—remainder of a divisionmod 20 3 2
sin—sine sin 45 0.707107
asin—arcsine asin 0.70710745.0
sqrt—square root sqrt 196 14
random—creates random values random 0.0 1.0 0.318949
pi—p constant pi 3.14159
e—exponential constant e 2.71828
degtorad—converts degrees to radians degtorad 45 0.785398
radtodeg—converts radians to degrees radtodeg pi 180.0

These functions are extremely useful when dealing with math. Some controllers output values in radians, and they will require conversion to be manipulated in the UI.

NOTE There are many more math functions in MAX that are rarely used and not listed here. Check the Online Help for a complete list.

We need math functions to create almost any script in MAX. In the following chapters you will see we use math functions in a lot of scripts, to calculate positions and texture sizes, to manipulate bitmaps, and we even use trigonometry to create plug-in scripts.

Since we’re starting to use math operations, let’s start with simple exercises, which might not be related to MAX but will sure teach you how to use them. In this exercise you’ll create a simple script to convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit:

1.  In the Listener, type C = 10 and evaluate.
2.  Type F = (C/5 * 9) + 32 and evaluate. The result displayed will be 50.
3.  Now type C = 0 and evaluate.
4.  Scroll back to the end of the F = line and evaluate again. The result is now 32.

NOTE Notice that using Enter to evaluate this line will not work. You need to use the number pad Enter or Shift+Enter now, as explained previously.
5.  Repeat the steps above for C = 20, C = 30, and C = -5. The results should be 68, 86, and 23 respectively.

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