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Mastering 3D Studio MAX R3

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Open a new script and type all the commands shown in Listing 15.2. You can access this code on the CD that accompanies this book, in the file named utility_glass2.ms.

LISTING 15.2: The Pickbutton script (utility_glass2.ms)
utility glass “Glass Material2”
pickbutton pick “Select Object” tooltip:”Select Objects” width:120
button go “Assign Material” tooltip:”Assign Material to Selected” \
 width:120 enabled:false
spinner opac “Opacity” range:[0,100,50] type:#float
colorpicker mat_col “Material Color” color:[255,255,255]
checkbox onoff “Transparent” checked:true
fn check_onoff =
 if onoff.checked == true then
 mat.opacity = opac.value
 mat.opacity = 100
fn mat_color =
 mat.diffusecolor = mat_col.color
 mat.filtercolor = mat_col.color/2
 mat.ambientcolor = mat_col.color/4
on pick picked obj do
 if superclassof obj != GeometryClass then
 format “Select a 3D Object.\n”
 sel_obj = obj
 pick.text = obj.name
 go.enabled = true
on go pressed do
 mat = standardmaterial()
 sel_obj.material = mat
on mat_col changed val do
 if mat != undefined then
on opac changed val do
 if mat != undefined then
on onoff changed state do
 opac.enabled = state
 if mat != undefined then

The pickbutton will ask the user to select an object. When an object is selected, the script checks to see if it’s a 3D object (we can’t assign materials to lights, dummies, etc.). If so, the Assign Material button will be enabled, and the pickbutton will show the object’s name. The rest of the script works just like the previous versions of this script, but it doesn’t need to have an object selected before it is used, thus the user selects an object through the pickbutton. Notice we also used functions, which saved us a lot of code.

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons allow us to choose one from among several options. Examples of radio buttons include the choice between Chop and Squash in Spheres, or the choice of Particle Type in any of the Particle Systems.

We can use radio buttons to choose which type of bump map to apply to the object, using the script we created to apply a bump map in Chapter 14 (some sample radio buttons are illustrated in Figure 15.7).

FIGURE 15.7  Sample radio buttons

Start a new script and type all the commands shown in Listing 15.3. You can access this code on the CD that accompanies this book, in the file named utility_bump.ms.

LISTING 15.3: The Radio Button script (utility_bump.ms)
Utility add_bump “Add Bump Map”
pickbutton pick_obj “Select Object”
radiobuttons type “Type”
labels:#(“Noise”,“Smoke”,“Speckle”,“Splat”,“Stucco”) columns:2
spinner amount “Bump Amount” range:[-1000,1000,30]
spinner size “Bump Size” range:[0,10000,25]
fn upd_material =
case type.state of
 1: m.bumpMap = Noise ()
 2: m.bumpMap = Smoke ()
 3: m.bumpMap = Speckle ()
 4: m.bumpMap = Splat ()
 5: m.bumpMap = Stucco ()
m.bumpMapAmount = amount.value
m.bumpMap.size = size.value
on pick_obj picked obj do
 if obj.material == undefined then
 format “Selected object has no material applied.\n”
 m = obj.material
 m.shaderType = 4
 m.diffuseRoughness = 30
 m.specularLevel = 43
 m.glossiness = 35
 m.soften = 0.5
 meditmaterials[1] = m
 max mtledit
on type changed state do if m != undefined then upd_material()
on amount changed val do if m != undefined then upd_material()
on size changed val do if m != undefined then upd_material()

As you can see when you evaluate this, two columns of radio buttons will be created. We added five labels to the radiobutton object, so five buttons appear. MAXScript will return the index number of each button as soon as it’s selected. That’s what calls on type changed state. To know which radio button is selected, we can use the .state property.

Another enhancement in this script is the use of CASE. CASE will run the option that corresponds to the result it found. It tests a series of values, performing a different action for each result.

We also created a function (with fn ) that will be called whenever one of the parameters is changed. Since the action is always the same, creating a function will avoid us having to repeat it many times in the script.


A label is used to place text in the UI. The user cannot interact with this text, but the script can change the text as a way of outputting results.

For instance, let’s add a label that will show us some information in the previous example, like the credits for the script, as in Figure 15.8.

FIGURE 15.8  Sample labels

After the second spinner, add:

label a01 “Auto Bump Utility”
label a02 “Made by”
label a03 (put your name here between quotes)

Now evaluate the script and notice your credits there. We can change the text in a label within a script. For instance, we can have the script calculate a value and output it in the UI. This is done by using the .text property, as in a02.text = “Designed by”.

Creating Alert Messages

Sometimes we need to show messages to the user. There are three ways to do it with MAXScript, using dialog boxes. You can use a box that simply alerts the user, a more complex dialog box that asks for user input, and a third box that allows the user to cancel the action.


A messagebox is a dialog that will alert the user, who will be required to press OK on it. There’s no other option, and the script is halted until OK is pressed. It’s useful for error messages and important instructions.

WARNING Use the messagebox with care, because it’ll halt the script until pressed.

In our previous exercises, we could have used a messagebox to alert the user when a wrong object is picked, or when they picked an object when none was required, instead of using PRINT. Let’s edit utility_bump.ms and add a messagebox alerting the user that the object needs a material on it, as in Figure 15.9.

FIGURE 15.9  A sample messagebox

Locate this line and edit it, substituting format with messagebox.

if obj.material == undefined then
 messagebox “Selected object has no material applied”

Evaluate the script and test it on an object with no material assigned. This script is saved as utility_bump2.ms on the CD.

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