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КИМАРИТЭ (все приемы сумо)

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Кимаритэ называют завершающее техническое действие, приведшее к победе в поединке одного из борцов. В современном сумо признано 82 основных приема.

Благодарим Японскую Ассоциацию сумо за представленные рисунки

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abisetaoshi (backward force down) - The attacker will force his opponent over backwards by throwing his weight into the opponent from a grappling position.


АБИСЭТАОСИ - опрокидывание соперника весом своего тела при обоюдном захвате.


amiuchi (the fisherman's throw) - The attacker will throw his opponent behind him by pulling the opponent's arm with both hands while twisting backwards. The technique resembles the traditional way of casting a Japanese fishing net; hence the name.




ashitori(leg pick) - Similar to a technique of the same name found in both amateur and professional wrestling in which the attacker takes his opponent down by grabbing and lifting the opponent's leg with both hands.


АСИТОРИ - опрокидывание соперника или выталкивание за пределы дохё после захвата обеими руками ноги противника.


waridashi (upper-arm force out) - This technique is rarely seen because it requires a pronounced gap in strength between the attacker and the defender. It can be done from either an inside or outside grip. With his free hand, the attacker would grab the defender's arm at the biceps and, while pushing on that arm, drive the defender back and out.




watashikomi (thigh grabbing push down) - This technique is usually done near the end of a yorikiri (force out) attack. As the attacker drives his opponent to the edge, he will release his outside gripping hand and slide it down to grab the defender's leg at the hamstring or behind the knee. As he continues his forward drive, the attacker will pull that leg towards him, forcing the defender either over the edge or onto his back.


ВАТАСИКОМИ - опрокидывание соперника с использованием захвата рукой разноименного бедра или подколенного сгиба противника с внешней стороны и упором в корпус соперника.


gasshohineri (clasped hand twist down) - Although this technique can be done from a one hand inside, one hand outside grip, it would more commonly be used when the attacker has achieved a double inside grip. From this position, the attacker would clasp his hands behind the defenderЃfs back and twist him down and over. Gasshohineri was also called tokkurinage but that technique name is now used for a variation that has become one of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion.




zubuneri (head pivot throw) - In this technique, the attacker will bury his head in the defender's chest and then lock up the defender's inside arm by wrapping his own arm around it. He will then twist that inside arm across his own body. With his head as the throw's fulcrum, this twisting motion will force the defender to spin around and over onto his back.


izori (backwards body drop) - The attacker will dive under his opponent's charge so the defender is leaning on top and over him. The attacker will then grab behind either one or both knees, or the front of the defender's mawashi, and use his lower body/back to lift him up and over backwards.


ИДЗОРИ - опрокидывание соперника броском назад. Сумотори подсаживается под соперника, захватывает обеими руками ногу противника в районе колена и совершает бросок.
ipponzeoi (one armed shoulder throw) - Similar to the judo technique of the same name, the attacker will pull one of the defender's arms with both hands. Releasing the hand closet to the defender's shoulder, he will turn into his opponent, locking up that arm with his free arm as he pulls with the hand furthest from that shoulder. He will then heave his opponent over his shoulder/hip.


ИППОНДЗЭОЙ - бросок через спину с использованием захвата обеими руками руки соперника. Редчайший по красоте прием. За последние 25 лет проведен только 1 раз - 170-килограммовым Кайо против 220-килограммового Мусасимару в ноябре 2000 г.
yobimodoshi (pulling body slam) - This is considered one of sumo's power techniques and is only seen when there is a pronounced gap in strength between the attacker and the defender. The attacker will pull the defender in the direction of the attacker's inside grip. Then, using the defender's reaction against that pull, he will release his inside grip, turn his palm down, and take the defender in the other direction heaving him clean off his feet.



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