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КИМАРИТЭ (все приемы сумо)

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Кимаритэ называют завершающее техническое действие, приведшее к победе в поединке одного из борцов. В современном сумо признано 82 основных приема.

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yorikiri (frontal force out) - One of sumo's most common winning techniques, the two combatants will have come to grips and the attacker will drive his opponent backwards and out of the ring, maintaining a grip on that opponent's mawashi at all times.


ЙОРИКИРИ - вытеснение соперника за пределы дохё при обоюдном захвате. Самый распространенный прием в сумо. Им одерживается до 30% всех побед.
yoritaoshi (frontal crush out) - Similar to yorikiri (frontal force out), in this technique the opponent is driven backwards and literally collapses under the force of the attack. The attacker here too must maintain some grip on his opponent's mawashi.


ЙОРИТАОСИ - опрокидывание соперника в результате силовой борьбы при обоюдном захвате.
kawazugake (hooking backward counter throw) - From a grappling position, the attacker will hook his opponent's closest leg from the inside and take him over backwards by pulling that hooked leg forward and across his own body. A sacrifice technique.


КАВАДЗУГАКЭ - опрокидывание соперника назад с использованием зацепа разноименной ноги противника с внутренней стороны. При этом нога сумотори буквально обвивает ногу соперника. Прием часто сопровождается захватом шеи. Может использоваться как контрприем. Единственный кимаритэ, названный по имени борца (Кавадзу).
kainahineri (two-handed arm twist down) - The attacker will lock up one of the defender's arms with both arms and, turning into his opponent, twist him over and into the clay.


kakezori (hooking backwards body drop) - The attacker will have his head placed under one of the defender's arms while taking an inside grip on the opposite side of his opponent's mawashi. Taking a deep step from the same side as his gripping hand, he will attempt to either twist the defender over that leg or hook the defender's closest leg. At the same time, he will drive his head into the defender's side to force him over backwards.


КАКЭДЗОРИ - бросок соперника назад после подныривания под руку соперника, удерживающую захват, с использованием зацепа разноименной ноги противника с внешней стороны.
kakenage (hooking inner thigh throw) - The attacker will hook one leg inside the defender's legs and turn away from him. As he raises the hooked leg up and back, he will wrap his foot around the defender's ankle or lower calf. By driving that attacking leg up and backwards, he will force the defender up and over into the clay.


КАКЭНАГЭ - бросок через бедро с использованием зацепа бедра разноименной ноги противника с внутренней стороны при обоюдном захвате. 
katasukashi (under-shoulder swing down) - The attacker will force his opponent into the clay by placing one hand on the opponent's shoulder blade from the inside and one from the outside, pulling him down and forward while backing away.


КАТАСУКАСИ - опрокидывание соперника с захватом плеча. При этом одной рукой сумотори проникает под мышку разноименной руки противника, обхватывая плечо и дергая соперника на себя, а затем, делая шаг в сторону, другой рукой опрокидывает противника перед собой упором в плечо, шею или спину.
kimedashi (arm barring force out) - The attacker will lock up or bar the defender's arms by wrapping his own arms around them from the outside. He will then grab one of his own wrists, pulling up and in. This puts tremendous pressure on the defender's elbows and allows the attacker to march or swing his opponent backwards and out of the ring.


kimetaoshi (arm barring force down) - The attacker will bar his opponent's arm or arms from the outside. He will than force the opponent down by throwing his weight into and on top of him. It is most often seen today after the opponent has a achieved a double inside grip.


kirikaeshi (twisting backward knee trip) - The attacker will take a deep step forward with his lead leg so his knee is placed behind his opponent's lead leg. He will then throw the opponent by twisting him backwards and over that knee.


КИРИКАЭСИ - бросок через колено назад с зацепом колена разноименной ноги соперника с внешней стороны. Часто используется как контрприем.

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