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КИМАРИТЭ (все приемы сумо)

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Кимаритэ называют завершающее техническое действие, приведшее к победе в поединке одного из борцов. В современном сумо признано 82 основных приема.

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kozumatori (ankle pick) - One of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion, the most common form of kozumatori has the attacker leaning into his opponent while attempting a forward drive. While moving forward, he will slide his hand down his opponentЃfs leg from the outside, grabbing it at the ankle or the base of the calf. He will then pull that ankle towards him and up while driving his body into his foe, forcing him over onto his back. A variation of this technique has the attacker pulling on the same ankle or calf from behind his opponent.


КОДЗУМАТОРИ - опрокидывание соперника после захвата ступни рывком на себя из положения, когда борцы находятся лицом к лицу.
komatasukui (over thigh scooping body drop) - This technique is best used in combination with an uwatenage (overarm throw) or a shitatenage (underarm throw). As the opponent defends against the throw by taking a deep step forward, the attacker will reach down with his "free hand" and grab the opponent's leg on or near the thigh. He wll then pull up, driving the opponent over backwards.


КОМАТАСУКУИ. Вторичный прием. Применяется, когда соперник, сопротивляясь попытке провести бросок, выставляет ногу вперед. Сумотори захватывает с внутренней стороны рукой бедро или подколенный сгиб одноименной ноги противника и опрокидывает его. 
koshinage (hip throw) - The attacker will turn into his opponent while pulling him onto his hips. As the attacker continues to pull, he will straigthen his knees, throwing the defender over and onto his back. This throw can be done from either and inside or outside grip. koshinage_pict КОСИНАГЭ - бросок через грудь с использованием или без использования захвата маваси (пояса).
kotenage (armlock throw) - The attacker will throw his opponent by wrapping his arm around the opponent's inside gripping arm, locking it up on or near the elbow and turning away from him. Often used as a last ditch attempt to win at the edge. kotenage_pict КОТЭНАГЭ - опрокидывание соперника с использованием захвата сверху руки противника,  удерживающей маваси (пояс). Маваси соперника не захватывается.
kotehineri (armlocking twist down) - In this technique the attacker has wrapped his arm around the defenderЃfs inside gripping arm. He will then lock up that arm at the defenderЃfs biceps or elbow and twist him around and down in the direction of that inside arm. The attackerЃfs other hand can be in an inside or outside gripping position, placed along the defenderЃfs back or wrapped around his head or neck when initiating this technique. Kotehineri is one of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion. kotehineri_pict КОТЭХИНЭРИ
kubinage (headlock throw) - Almost identical to a technique of the same name found in all combative arts that include any kind of grappling. The attacker will turn into his opponent, throwing him by wrapping one arm around his neck as he makes that turn. The attacker's other hand is usually gripping the opponent's arm furthest from him from the outside. kubinage_pict КУБИНАГЭ - опрокидывание соперника с использованием захвата шеи.
kubihineri (head twisting throw) - The attacker will wrap one hand around his opponent's neck. With his other hand, he will grab the defender's inside gripping arm. The attacker will then drive the hand gripping the defender's neck in the direction that hand's palm is facing; twisting the defender into the clay. This is considered a power technique. kubihineri_pict КУБИХИНЭРИ
kekaeshi (minor inner footsweep) - The attacker will sweep his opponent's leg out from under him by kicking the defender's leg from the inside. The sweep is right foot to right foot or left to left. The footsweep is often accompanied by a well-timed slap on the defender's back as he begins to lean forward. kekaesi_pict КЭКАЭСИ - опрокидывание соперника с применением резкой подсечки одноименной ноги с внутренней стороны.
ketaguri (pulling inside ankle sweep) - Usually seen at the tachi-ai or initial charge, the attacker will leap to the side and kick or sweep his opponent's lead leg from the inside while slapping the shoulder or pulling the arm closest to him. ketaguri_pict КЭТАГУРИ - опрокидывание соперника с применением подсечки одноименной ноги с внутренней стороны в момент сближения борцов при начале поединка.
makiotoshi (twist down) - The attacker will throw his opponent by twisting him towards his own, inside hand. When executing the throw, the attacker will not be gripping the mawashi. makiotosi_pict МАКИОТОСИ. Контрприем. Обхват и последующее опрокидывание атакующего противника в сторону с помощью резкого разворота без захвата маваси.

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