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КИМАРИТЭ (все приемы сумо)

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Кимаритэ называют завершающее техническое действие, приведшее к победе в поединке одного из борцов. В современном сумо признано 82 основных приема.

Благодарим Японскую Ассоциацию сумо за представленные рисунки

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mitokorozeme (triple attack force out) - This technique involves combining three separate attacks at the same time. While the attacker attempts an inside leg trip with one leg, he will grab the defender's other leg behind the thigh and try to pull that leg out from under him. At the same time, he will drive his head into his opponent's stomach or chest in order to force him backwards. mitokorozeme_pict МИТОКОРОДЗЭМЭ - опрокидывание соперника на спину с использованием зацепа, захвата и упора: нога сумотори цепляет с внутренней или внешней стороны разноименную ногу противника, противоположная рука захватывает бедро другой ноги соперника, а голова упирается в грудь.
nimaigeri (ankle kicking twist down) - As the attacker pulls his opponent up and into him, he will kick the defender's legs out from under him by striking with the sole of his foot to the outside of the defender's ankle. The sweep is left to right or right to left. As the attacker initiates the necessary footwork, he will use his upper body to throw or twist the defender onto his side or back. nimaigeri_pict НИМАЙГЭРИ - опрокидывание соперника с использованием подсечки под разноименную лодыжку с внутренней стороны и отрывом противника от дохё.
nichonage (body drop throw) - The attacker, working from either an inside or outside grip, will place one leg in front of the defender's leg, usually at the knee, as he turns to face the same direction the defender is facing. As the attacker sweeps back with his leg he will pull forward, throwing the defender over that extended leg. nichonage_pict НИТЁНАГЭ - бросок соперника вперед с использованием зацепа колена противника с внешней стороны одноименной ноги при обоюдном захвате.
okurigake (rear leg trip) - After working his way behind the defender, the attacker will hook one of his legs around one of the defenderЃfs legs. From this position, he will pull that hooked leg towards him, dropping his opponent forward and down. This technique can be done from either an inside or outside hooking position. Okurigake is one of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion. okurigake_pict ОКУРИГАКЭ
okuridashi (rear push out) - In this technique, the attacker will drive his opponent out from behind. okuridasi_pict ОКУРИДАСИ
okurinage (rear throw down) - In this technique, the attacker has circled behind the defender. Standing behind the defender, using any one of several possible hand positions, he throws the defender forward and down or to the side and down. The key point to this technique is the attackerЃfs position in relationship to the defender at the time of the throw. Okurinage is one of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion. okurinage_pict ОКУРИНАГЭ
okuritaoshi (rear push down) - Similar to okuridashi, here the attacker forces his opponent down from behind with the match usually ending before the opponent is forced over the edge. okuritaosi_pict ОКУРИТАОСИ
okurihikiotoshi (rear pull down) - In this technique, the attacker has circled behind the defender. From any one of a number of gripping positions he will backpedal away from the defender, dragging him back and down. Okurihikiotoshi is one of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion. okurihikiotoshi_pict ОКУРИХИКИОТОСИ
okuritsuridashi (rear lift out) - In this technique, the attacker has managed to circle around the defender. From any one of a number of possible grips, he will drop his hips, lift the defender up and carry him over the edge of the ring. Because both of the defenderЃfs feet are in the air, the attacker can cross the edge of the ring with one foot before the defenderЃfs feet cross over without losing the match. Okuritsuridashi is one of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion. okuritsudashi_pict ОКУРИЦУРИДАСИ - вынос соперника за пределы дохё лицом вперед. При этом сумотори захватывает туловище либо маваси противника с обеих сторон и, принимая соперника на грудь, поднимает его в воздух.
okuritsuriotoshi (rear lifting body slam) - After circling around behind the defender, in this technique the attacker will lift his opponent up using any one of several possible grips and then slam him down. Okuritsuriotoshi is one of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion. okuritsuriotoshi_pict ОКУРИЦУРИОТОСИ - опрокидывание соперника после захвата туловища или маваси со спины с обеих сторон и подъема противника на грудь. После того, как сумотори поднимает соперника в воздух, резким движением он усаживает противника на дохё. 

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